Stripping XXL live purple-any advice please?


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Active Member
Nov 14, 2015
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North east uk
Hi all just a quick question I have a lady who as Come to me who as purple xxl live on and has been using it for 2 years,doing full head colours at every application,she as asked me to strip her hair to a brown and then wanting highlights..,.how would you approach this please? I've told her I would have to test her hair to see how it reacts to what I will use but I'm thinking there will be a lot of colour build up on the ends and probs a nightmare to get out,I know the xxl live have metallic salts in them and his can cause problems as to what is going to be used.....any advice would be lovley...thank you for reading and I look forward to your replies xxx (I wouldn't be doing the highlights untill her hair was at good strength)

No one have any advice?
I'd maybe think about a bleach bath as it's more gentle on the hair than going straight in with bleach on its own. Equal parts bleach powder, peroxide, shampoo then double amount of warm water. I'd use 3% to be on the safe side. Failing that take 2 test cuttings and strip using bleach with 6% on 1 and 9% on the other. Also I'd recommend a protein additive to the bleaching process and the tint process too. I use a kitoko protein and it does make a difference [emoji5]️
I don't think the purple or red xxl has metallic salts, just the bleach & toner versions, I'd strand test different areas of the head and go from there, it's a funny one to work with tho because it gets "stuck" in odd areas on the hair, there doesn't seem to be any logic to it tbh, I'd do the strand tests, bleach bath however many times you need to then do your highlights & all over colour & tone the highlights back to the darkest shade of blonde left aft wards as with any colour correction, under promise & over deliver :)
Hi guys

Thank you for your replies,I was going to do it with bleach bath equal amounts on damp hair with 30 vol to see how it lifted and condition...... The purple lifted out and I got a nice orange lol but it was a base 5 which I wanted,condition was good.I'm going to add special mix 88 into my colour to kill the orange and do full head highlights starting with pastel and work me way up in volume as it will be at a 5 after bleach bath and then flood around the foils with 5/1 and keep checking the foils from the bottom and if any need to come off take them off with cotton wool and cover with cling film,I can't wait to do it,photos to follow and thank you again xxx lady as asked me to go back every 4 weeks to go over her highlights till they are light enough so olaplex is gona be my best friend to get her lighter with no damage, I'm takeing moisture shampoo and reconstructor comditinor to wash her hair in when I do it so she feels the difference in her hair and I'll retail them to her x
Level 5 base orange?

I should have said It came up as a 6 once dried but I only wanted a 5,so yeah base 5,do you have any Advice?
Do a test cutting and try several ratios of the /88 with the 5/1. Too little, and you won't be able to neutralize the undesired warmth too much, and you'll get level 4!
Yeah it will go to dark won't it with too much /88 which I don't want,I use wella,have you special mix tones on its own to neutralise? I have a colour chart and it says how many cm to put in for what base which is canny.
On it's own? No.
Yeah on its own before colour
If it lifted to an orange your going to have to lighten it again using Olaplex of course because even if you do end up toning it the orange and brassiness is going to pop through really quickly.. So I would lighten again and than tone down with 5/1..
When I tested it it lifted quick and when j got to orange I tort that was good,so I think her hair could stand another go,I don't have olaplex,I'm mobile and going to start using in the future X thanks for the ad advice I'll do what you said [emoji8] x

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