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Mar 3, 2016
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Hi, im 29 years old and I am currently doing a Vrq level 2/3 combined.. I finish this course in June and will have done 9months in total.. I am really struggling at the minute as this course is fast track and I feel I am not getting enough practice and the thought of going out after this course and working is a big no no.. I have just started a placement in a salon and hopefully this will give me the confidence and more experience of the industry.. I have paid for this course on the 24+ loan, however, I were going to go onto do an Nvq level 3 after this Vrq course, but as I do not feel confident enough with this course I am doing, was thinking of going to the Nvq level 2 first then going onto the Nvq level 3? I would just like opinions on this and someone to give me an idea on what option would be best for me? Also if the 24+ loan have paid for my Vrq course would I still be able to use this to pay for my Nvq level 2 and 3 courses if I were to choose that route to go down.. Thanks for reading and hope someone can help as I'm really stuck on what to do
Hello I was 27 when I started my course a few years ago, I highly recommend doing the level 3 as I think all hairdressers should have to complete both levels to gain insurance.
From my experience I never gained enough knowledge or experience in level 2 alone to go out into the hairdressing world and level 3 was not only extremely beneficial but almost compulsory for my understanding of colour correction and personalisation of each clients hair. You should be able to get level 3 on 24+ Aswell as they fund up to level 3. Hope this helps you. Xx
Hello I was 27 when I started my course a few years ago, I highly recommend doing the level 3 as I think all hairdressers should have to complete both levels to gain insurance.
From my experience I never gained enough knowledge or experience in level 2 alone to go out into the hairdressing world and level 3 was not only extremely beneficial but almost compulsory for my understanding of colour correction and personalisation of each clients hair. You should be able to get level 3 on 24+ Aswell as they fund up to level 3. Hope this helps you. Xx
Thanks for getting back to me, so would you recommend I do the Nvq level 2 to gain more confidence or do you think just go for the level 3 and confidence will come with practice? I just didn't know if going on the level 3 without fully understanding the basics in the Vrq would make it worse for me and confuse me even more.. Like I say I have a placement in a salon, where I am dealing with clients, washing hair and in a couple of weeks will be blow drying etc, so im hoping that being there will bring out my confidence and help me understand the things I am struggling with.. Xx
Hey. Each college is different but it may help to speak to a course advisor and explain your concern, or ring the hairdressing department and ask a qualified teacher. In my level 3 we went over all of the basic anyway which helped me but it depends what will help your knowledge and confidence. I think it would be best to speak to someone from your potential level 3 course and ask their advice x
IMO no one is 'READY' to work on the public after 'FAST TRACK'......
Used to be 5 years in salon for a reason!
Level 2 is pretty basic , I would def do level 3 too ! X
I don't think you can repeat levels... You might want to check that out, also with the 24+ loans I'm pretty sure u have to have paid your previous one off or currently paying it.
IMO no one is 'READY' to work on the public after 'FAST TRACK'......
Used to be 5 years in salon for a reason!
I both agree and disagree with this! I agree totally because I did a fast track with a very well known to company and really wasn't ready for salon work after. In fact, I was a poor stylist for years until I joined a big name who trained us all every month!! However, I know a number of people who did a full apprenticeship and weren't good stylists, and who still aren't!
Thankyou everyone.. I think I will pass the Vrq but just don't feel confident enough to go out and put it in use.. I'm hoping that being in the salon will help me along and I'm definitely going to go on and do the Nvq 3, I just wish I would have chosen to do the Nvq 1 and 2 rather than going on to do a fast track course.. It's the colouring im struggling with and knowing how to go from one colour to another.. But maybe im thinking too much into it.. im not sure but hope I get there xx
I don't think you can repeat levels... You might want to check that out, also with the 24+ loans I'm pretty sure u have to have paid your previous one off or currently paying it.
I don't think I can repeat levels with the 24+ loan but I was willing to pay to resit the level 2, I think you can have more than one loan depending on the levels.. And I don't have to start paying them back while I earn over 21,000.. I will check it out though.. Thankyou xx
At the college I looked at last year, if you did the vrq level 2 you had to go onto the vrq level 3
They don't let you go from vrq 2 to nvq 3 unless you start back at nvq level 2 then go into nvq level 3
Your college may be different though but worth checking
At the college I looked at last year, if you did the vrq level 2 you had to go onto the vrq level 3
They don't let you go from vrq 2 to nvq 3 unless you start back at nvq level 2 then go into nvq level 3
Your college may be different though but worth checking
Its a Vrq level 2/3 combined course so I will be qualified to a Vrq level 3 when I've finished.. But still wouldn't mind going back to do the Nvq level 2 before I progess onto Nvq level 3, but I'm not sure what to do, is there any point doing the Nvq 2 or should I go straight for level 3 and hope my confidence comes with time and experience? Xx
VRQ is college based and NVQ is salon based from what I can remember my tutors telling me and from reading on here, if you can, definetley do NVQ level 2 first, they'll just fast track you through it, as VRQ level 2 you need to do 4 cuts to pass on NVQ level 2 you need to do 6-8 cuts to pass, exactly same cuts. Only difference I find is VRQ is more theory based alongside assignments whereas NVQ is work based as your normally in a salon as an apprentice 5 days a week with one day at college every 2 weeks. Your confidence will grow in time, as will your practical skills...keep us all posted and best of luck :)
If you think you'll pass the vrq then this is just a confidence issue, maybe you could get lots of blocks & should ask family members to sit as models for you and repeat every assessment at home by yourself untill you've nailed everything all over again, you can do it :) just have more faith in yourself
If you think you'll pass the vrq then this is just a confidence issue, maybe you could get lots of blocks & should ask family members to sit as models for you and repeat every assessment at home by yourself untill you've nailed everything all over again, you can do it :) just have more faith in yourself
Thankyou.. Just feel like I'll never learn it and be confident at it at the minute. . Being at the salon is helping me as we get models in to practice. So hopefully I'll get there eventually :) xx
VRQ is college based and NVQ is salon based from what I can remember my tutors telling me and from reading on here, if you can, definetley do NVQ level 2 first, they'll just fast track you through it, as VRQ level 2 you need to do 4 cuts to pass on NVQ level 2 you need to do 6-8 cuts to pass, exactly same cuts. Only difference I find is VRQ is more theory based alongside assignments whereas NVQ is work based as your normally in a salon as an apprentice 5 days a week with one day at college every 2 weeks. Your confidence will grow in time, as will your practical skills...keep us all posted and best of luck :)
I think it is shit that colleges don't explain the VRQ qualification., I can either do a VRQ at college for 750 pounds level 2 or NVQ level 2 at Saks for £3,200 and go on to do level 3 after that. and I am 47 years of age, Which one Would you choose?
I think it is shit that colleges don't explain the VRQ qualification., I can either do a VRQ at college for 750 pounds level 2 or NVQ level 2 at Saks for £3,200 and go on to do level 3 after that. and I am 47 years of age, Which one Would you choose?

Do the VRQ 2 & 3 to get your qualification and then look at doing short courses with an academy such as Sassoon to hone your skills. Regardless of whether you train with your local college or Saks, you're unlikely to feel confident until you've been practising for at least 2000 hours.

I strongly recommend you subscribe to this website. It will be well worth the money.
Do the VRQ 2 & 3 to get your qualification and then look at doing short courses with an academy such as Sassoon to hone your skills. Regardless of whether you train with your local college or Saks, you're unlikely to feel confident until you've been practising for at least 2000 hours.

I strongly recommend you subscribe to this website. It will be well worth the money.
Im just trying to weigh up my options and money, if I do the vrq 2&3 and then have to do other courses later, isn't it best to do the nvq2&3 with sakes for 6,400 pounds as they give you live models to work on? or do the vrq 2&3 for £4,095 ? is saks worth the extra 2,305 ?

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