Hi Kelly,
personally I'd say go with the apprenticeship, that's what I did and it was by far the most rewarding option. When I left school I was very shy and timid but because i threw myself into a busy salon I had to get on with it and it was the best thing I ever done.
I did obviously go to college too, i went one day a week, and to be honest that was enough, compared to what I'd learn within the salon it was pointless. Great for paper work!!But this is one the most hands-on career you can have so the paper work was a waste of time really. (but thats the way it is now everywhere)
When me and the other apprentice's worked with the full time college girls we all noticed the massive gap between the skill that we had picked up around the salon, just small things like common sense, being on the ball, dealing with the public not to mention the actual hairdressing tips you learn along the way. The full time college girls, to us, seemed to be very very slow at the hair and so cautious, i guess that can be a good thing, but u=in reality when you do get into a salon you need to be quick, fast, confident, not many salon's have time to fuss around you, they'll expect you to be on the ball etc.
That's just in my personal experience though, good luck to whatever you do, at the end of the day only you know which will be best for you.
Good Luck!!
Let us know which you choose! =)