Tattoo removal


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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2011
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Does anybody on here offer tattoo removal? I've been doing a bit of research into offering it in my salon but have hit a bit of a brick wall.
Any help is most appreciated :)
For tattoo removal to be effective you really need a qswitch laser .
Nd yag will only remove black or blue tattoos and is painful
Ruby and alexandrite will be effective too but the price tag on the machine is hefty
Evlaser do a q switch for tattoo removal
That's great thank you :)
Does anybody know anything about training options?
I do tattoo removal with rejuvi cream you tattoo it in over the tattoo then a scab forms which lifts the pigment out and no particles left in lymph nodes.
I was thinking more of laser but thanks chrysalis.
I know nothing about it but I can imagine it will be a booming business.I don't like tattoos for myself but I do appreciate the artwork of a good one but recently there seems to be a huge boom,without any thought about getting a good tatooist,where they are having them and what,and at what age.I thought the law said 18 but there are many tatooists knowingly working on people at 16.
I think there will be many wanting removals in the future.Ive been seeing many absolute horrors lately.
If you are thinking laser only, then you need to do the core of knowledge course, then the laser regulation course then of course the laser tattoo removal course.

I done the core of knowledge course and learned from that it would be wholly Impractable to have a laser in my salon.. All the regulations and they come and inspect your premises, the no shiny surfaces, not even a mirror no shiny metal anywhere not even around the ceiling light bulb fittings. Windows need to be blacked out then you are looking at in excess of £25000 to get a cheap laser and the heads which are fragile and break easy can cost between £550-£2000 each.

I decided to leave it to the big firms.

These are the main laser trainers in the uk.
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I just had a look again at the link and unless you are a healthcare professional the only laser you can use is for hair removal, if you are a beauty therapist you can't remove tattoos this way.
I do tattoo removal with rejuvi cream you tattoo it in over the tattoo then a scab forms which lifts the pigment out and no particles left in lymph nodes.

Hi, do you still do this treatment? How are you getting on with it?

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