The new digital Australian Body Care wax heater...


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New Member
Aug 23, 2010
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Yorkshire Dales
Hi there.

I'm just starting to get sorted with setting up on my own, i have taken on Australian Body Care wax system with the tubes and the hot wax system too.

i'm having trouble with both of the heaters and am wondering if any of you have these heaters and are experiencing the same problems? my rep says that there's only one other person who has complained which i find impossible to believe!!

My warm wax heater is the new digital one, instead of the old style heaters which had individual compartments for the tubes to rest in, this new design is just one chamber for the tubes to dangle in through a silicone rim which you attatch on the top. as a result, the tubes touch the sides, melt, and the wax runs out into the chamber. Not ideal when you have a client waiting!

Got in touch with the rep and she said i needed to have the applicator heads on insteads of the lids while they were heating up, tried this, as well as making sure they weren't touching the sides, but the same happened. Got in touch with her again and thats when she told me only one other person has this problem...

As for the Hot wax system, has any one tried using this? its where there is a foil cup sitting in a tiny chamber, so when we're done waxing it's just thrown away, making it super hygenic, and really good if your like me, mobile therapist, so i don't have to pack it back into the car still hot and spill it!!
The problem i find is that even on the lowest heat setting, the wax is far too hot to put onto the skin, so i have to pull the foil cup out, hold it to cool it down, apply it, by that time its cooled down too much to apply any more so i have to start this palava again!!!! Again, the rep says that its fine like this, and that is how its supposed to be?

anyone having similar problems to this? I bought into the higher priced products expecting that they would be of superiority but i think i have been naive. I think the hot wax system is fantastic in theory with me being mobile but the heat issue is driving me nuts!

I want this to work so badly, i do believe they are a really good company, i love the after care lotions and retail products etc, i want to try everything before i just give in and ask for a refund from them as their heaters aren't 'fit for purpose'.

any advice would be of help, what works for you as a mobile therapist doing waxing??

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