Well-Known Member
Hi everyone so I’ve been doing intimate waxing for quite some time now, I’ve only ever used hot wax on the intimate area, the only time I’ve used strip is if I’m running low and I use it around the thigh and top of the area. When I get to the inner part, always hot wax. So we have ran out of hot wax since before Christmas, my manager must of forgot to order more, and there’s been postage strikes anyway, but anyway… I come back and I have lots of waxes in, and no hot wax. So I’ve been panicking like mad, I’ve had clients say they don’t want it on the middle area and The clients I’ve done it on I’m so disappointed in myself. I had one Asian lady with very thick dark hair and I wanted to cry the strip wax would NOT come off that area!
I made a right bloody mess. Can anyone please give me some tips on how to wax with strip if this ever happens again (hopefully not) or can you just not use strip on that area? My manager said to do so but I’m really not liking it. I must admit I don’t feel like I’ve done a good job and I’m waiting on them to call up or something.