Trades test


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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys, I am qualified level 2 and just doing my level 3. I have being asked to go in a salon for a trades test. I am so nervous and I have no idea what to wear?!?!
Professional clean and ironed black clothes, closed In shoes but nice silver and gold accessories. What sort of salon is it? High end, middle or budget?
Can't you just wear your uniform? When I have had girls in for trade tests they have come in uniform, well turned out with hair off their faces.
God luck x
Deffo uniform , closed in shoes as said. No uggs! Hair back nearly, nice make up & simple jewellery or accessories, nails done nicely. Basically everything you would be expected to wear to work in a salon :)
How will she go in uniform if she hasn't started yet? Or do u mean black clothes aka hairdresser uniform haha
If the OP is already level 2 qualified then surely she will hVe some form of salon uniform from college
Nice clean black clothing. Show a little of your personality in your clothing and that'll help you with relaxing. GOOD LUCK

Air-Hed Hair
Yes just wear your college tunic and black trousers if you don't have a tunic then a nice plain black top or shirt have they not told you what they want you to do for the trade test as most generally tell you what they expect you to do try and be calm and see it as your chance of a job so be chatty,act confident even if your terrified and try fit in with the other staff good luck xx
I have a college uniform but I am not going to wear that. I am going to dress as I would if I worked there in something smart/casual. Not ugg boots!! Plus my level 2 uniform no longer fits!! Lol
I don't even know if I should take my own hair dryer etc..?
Take all your equipment x
Sorry we don't get uniforms in aus where I trained lol

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