Wanting to open a salon ... advice needed


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Nov 12, 2010
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Okay... please don't jump on me for this message i would just respect your advice,
I have worked in the industry for 7 years from a therapist to a large spa manager, i've recently had a baby and m due to return to work... however....
A local shop has come up for rent in the town, and its in a prime location.
I am seriously considering taking it on as a salon and building up to a day spa in the long run as its quite large and the rent is v.low.
problem...... as it was unforeseen i havn't a lot of saving or lets say bugger all only mine and my husbands monthly income, and i'm thinking of opening the down stairs only to begin on a shoe string budget. i have majority of the equipment needed, bed trolley cabbies blah blah and 2 reps in mind (eve taylor & nailtiques)
Along with all over heads and daft things like license till insurance signs please could you all just give me a little advice on wether it could be plausible from your experiences and if so were to start,
I know it sounds like i havnt thought it through, i seriously have i just don't want to miss the obvious!
advice kindly appreciated! xxxx
Okay... please don't jump on me for this message i would just respect your advice,
I have worked in the industry for 7 years from a therapist to a large spa manager, i've recently had a baby and m due to return to work... however....
A local shop has come up for rent in the town, and its in a prime location.
I am seriously considering taking it on as a salon and building up to a day spa in the long run as its quite large and the rent is v.low.
problem...... as it was unforeseen i havn't a lot of saving or lets say bugger all only mine and my husbands monthly income, and i'm thinking of opening the down stairs only to begin on a shoe string budget. i have majority of the equipment needed, bed trolley cabbies blah blah and 2 reps in mind (eve taylor & nailtiques)
Along with all over heads and daft things like license till insurance signs please could you all just give me a little advice on wether it could be plausible from your experiences and if so were to start,
I know it sounds like i havnt thought it through, i seriously have i just don't want to miss the obvious!
advice kindly appreciated! xxxx


If you are starting from scratch ie no clients whatsoever (I take it you've done no mobile clients) then it will be hard. Perhaps the way forward with this, would be to rent out the nail table and maybe rent space to a threading person, as this could bring it much needed rent while you are building your business!:hug:
You could try to negotiate a rent free period but you would have to get the lease looked at to see if it is on a full repairing lease meaning you have to do all the repairs.

My concern is how are you going to fund it if you don't have any savings? I don't just mean equipment but fixtures and fittings of the salon, any deposit the landlord wants and if you were employed before I am sure you have to go back for a period of time if they paid you maternity benefits but i would advise you to check this out.

Whatever you decide, good luck x
Would I open a shop from scratch with a new baby, no money, and no clientele? Truthfully, no I wouldn't. Owning a salon is full time and full on. Your baby won't be small for long. There will always be shops and opportunities available throughout your life. It is not now or never.
Sorry , but I do agree with the last post . I used to have a salon and had to sell when no 2 child came along , it's too much like hard work. I'm finally going back into business after having 15 yrs off , much easier when the kids are older - no guilty feelings.....
I agree aswell, having children and working is guilty enough but setting up a new business with a baby is extra guilt!!!!! Especially if you are thinking of eventually expanding your family!! They grow up sooooo quickly it would be a shame to miss those precious times :green: Enjoy your baby and work for someone else which will be alot less stressful and in the meantime start saving - for the right time :lol:
I am like you. I would love to have my own salon and I keep seeing places that would be perfect for my plans which are to have a holistic centre - providing a wide range of therapies, workshops, courses, meditation classes, tai chi and so on. What's stopping me? The fact that I have three young children (aged 14 months, 3 and 4). The running around after them, school runs at different times of the day, clubs and so on has just started. The last four years have flown by. I work mobile and from a summer house in my garden. I am building up my business and my contacts (and my finances, lol) so that in five or ten years, I have built up a successful business with regular clients that will follow me, have loads of contacts that will be able to help me or join me in my vision and I will have the finances to put my Holistic Centre in to practice. Yes, sometimes it gets frustrating when one of the places I have seen gets rented out, but the best things in life are worth waiting for. I will also have watched my beautiful babies grow up and have been there for them when they need me.
Hi Guys
Thank you for your advise, i forgot to say that i do have a large client following from over the years of mobile that i have run alongside work. my thoughts were go back to work until march and use my income which is spare in our household to do the repairs. ect.
but to be honest you have almost confirmed my fear (losing time with my daughter)
I think ive just wanted it for some time now and seeing a rental in such a prime area was almost to good to be true.
My cousin has in the last few days offered to go into business with me and 'do up' and open the downstairs as a clothes boutique but also selling the retail of eve taylor and orly/nailtiques then build on the profit to in future have both boutique and beauty in one.
But especially with your advice i think i will tread carefully with thought!
Thank you x

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