What are you asking for for Christmas?


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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2013
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I have my mum buying me a new larger filofax, but don't know what to ask for from others!
From my fiancée either a leather jacket or a new roo trolley
His mum either new make up or vouchers for me to buy new gels.
My dad either vouchers to buy new clothes or a collection of gelish.

See my problem? It's me or work. I'm def leaning towards work stuff haha!

What are you all getting?

Side note- is it way too early for Christmas posts?!

Always buying into the nails!
All I am asking is for the dinner to go smoothly, everyone to be happy with their pressies and then feet up and a very large glass of wine xx
all im asking for is a good spanking the way I carry on :smack::eek:
Ive already got mine. . . Mum and Dad have bought me my kitchen flooring and my husband new curtains for the lounge! Hubby is paying for me to go to a hair salon as I've not been able to have my hair high lighted in months due to being in the first trimester. My roots are down by my knees!

Other than that I'd like a chilled out, worry free xmas. Though I doubt it'll be chilled with having my family over on xmas day and hubby's on boxing day... haha! Xx

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All I am asking is for the dinner to go smoothly, everyone to be happy with their pressies and then feet up and a very large glass of wine xx

I know dinner will go well for us as we go to my inlaws and she absolutley loves making a fuss of everyone and cooking a lovely meal.. And her husband loves clearing up, they always bat us away if we (well, I) try to help! Couldn't be luckier :) xx
Master painter course and a nice shiny ring :)

Laura x
Braces for my teeth. Only £6,000. Anyone??:eek:
Braces for my teeth. Only £6,000. Anyone??:eek:

I've just had mine priced up. It's ridiculous, I'm gonna be saving forever!
I've asked for a Michael kors watch or bag. Obviously I wouldn't mind both ;) x

Sounds good to me!

I've decided I will def do a cnd course in the new year, just need to save x
I've just had mine priced up. It's ridiculous, I'm gonna be saving forever!

I know!!! I just don't like the gap between my front teeth, and that was the quote! I was offered interest free monthly payments. They must have seen me coming.

I will settle for a new watch or a nice big designer handbag to transfer my rubbish into. x
Moët, lots of Moët. Maybe some jäger?

I have literally NO idea what to ask for from my fella. Last year I told him to get me what ever, he obviously carefully observed I needed some clothes and the fact I'm putting on weight? ... As on Christmas he bought me jeans, blouses all sorts all in size 18 (I'm a size 12!) lol! :) oh and he didn't keep the receipts and took most of the tags off so we couldn't change... Nice clothes though!

So this year, I need to tell him exactly what I want. Any idea welcome?

As much as I would love a fat engagement ring I doubt that will happen!

From my mother I'm getting my grand mothers old diamond and sapphire ring which is being re sized and prong re dipped and diamonds tightened as we speak :)

... My brother? No idea, although last year he bought me a sponge bob bath sponge (which I actually love - who doesn't love that yellow sponge who lives under the sea?)

Slippers,a onesie and new underwear!!!so easily pleased lol
Braces for my teeth. Only £6,000. Anyone??:eek:

...and CheekyChick, sorry can't multi quote on my phone! Try Swiss Smile in London, I was quoted over £4k for bog standard braces at a local practice and told I would need to have them for 2 years; Swiss Smile put braces on the back of my teeth, so completely hidden, for £2k and they were off within 9 months. I paid it off monthly every time I went in for an adjustment so no saving up, the surgery is a gorgeous private practice just behind Oxford St and the service was impeccable!
Viktor & rolf perfume to open on the day.

Cnd course from my parents And hubby :)

I'm career focused ATM lol
I want a kindle white.
Oh yeah- Failing the courses- then a kindle will do :)

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