Solarnail is the original cross-linking liquid and powder system created by CND (Creative Nail Designs).
It is still around, and is used on clients with more sensitive skin/nails. Think older, crepy skin.
The name has been passed around by NSS's, and touted as something "new, different, and safer" for your nails. Then they charge more for it. And mnore often than not, they are NOT using the real deal. They are using refined dental grade acrylic bought blackmarket off the backs of trucks.
The thing is, for the most part in the US, it's illegal to MANUFACTURE/PRODUCE MMA based products, but not always illegal to sell or use it. Some states are coming down on it being used in salons legally, but not ACTUALLY. The only way to do anything about it in states where it IS illegal to use it, is to report the offenders to that states Board of Cosmetology.
Best bet is to know your products inside and out, and educate the DOODOO out of your clients. Word will spread, it's a ripple effect that continues as long as you are doing the right thing.
I have had to accept that more often than not, consumers AND techs just don't CARE, and clients want to pay nothing, and techs want to make money no matter what the consequences, and will shortcut like crazy. It always fills me with hope to read about the techs that DO care.
SO I try to focus on that instead