Hi there
Just thought I would let you know about my advert in the yellow pages. I paid £220 or mine (business card size)& did it over the 10 month direct debit option as you mentioned. I paid my first installment in feb this year & was quite perterbed that the yellow pages was not even delivered in my local area at the end of March, I had to phone them at the beginning of April for my copy. also to date I have only received 2 phone calls from prospective clients who got my number from this ad & they only amounted to £60.00 worth of treatments. finally I am constantly bombarded by cold callers who go through the yellow pages & select people to try & sell to & harrass!!! Very annoying!
So to it goes without saying that I won't be renewing my advert in 09. However, I will continue to deliver flyers in my local area & further a field when I can (usually every couple of months) As each time I do I get a good response & it has always worked for me & the best form of advertising for me is good word of mouth.
I don't want to put you off advertising in the yellow pages as maybe it could work for you but thought I would let you know that in my experience expensive adverising isn't always the best.
best wishes & good luck in whatever you decide to do