Non-paying client


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I joked to my feller that I would soon set up a business similar to crazy georges (or brighthouse whatever its called now)

I'll do nails..and if they take the pay weekly option I'll whack a load of interest on....and he can do the debt collecting on pay day ....

I reckon I'd make a fortune ...he has big friends and we have a rotty.....what more do we need !!! lol :green:
And people always seem to love "the weekly scheme"

When I was a kid, we used to have to hide and not answer the door on monday's, wednesday,s and friday's ...only now do I realise why lmao
tbh I would do the recorded letter thing first, state that you will start proceedings etc.

I am so sorry to hear that this has happend to you :hug:

If I was in that situation i think i would have to say something like.

basically I would ask for them to leave me something that they would have to come back for eg, their mobile, just something as security so they have to come back with the cash.

This happend to me years ago when i went for petrol, i only went and left my purse at home. too me bag duh but forgot that I did,nt have my purse.

Put petrol in my the car aswell like you do before you pay and the bloke in the garage made me leave something with him so I had to go back and pay for the petrol........ great idea makes you go back lol

I have a system in my salon where when ive done a booking if a client arrives i mark it with A. L for late, ns for no show, and c for cancell I always call them back after 15 minutes have gone and they usually have a really good escuse lol

I mark down in a book of the No shows, and cancelled clients with the name and contact no. so if i reacurrences of the problem after so many times i know not to book them in.

its a good system and it really does work, if anyone does this they will tell you the same.
oh bless you, it makes you feel rubbish doesnt it? I always take payment on arrival nowadays as this happened to me too but not for quite as much money. x:hug:
I joked to my feller that I would soon set up a business similar to crazy georges (or brighthouse whatever its called now)

I'll do nails..and if they take the pay weekly option I'll whack a load of interest on....and he can do the debt collecting on pay day ....

I reckon I'd make a fortune ...he has big friends and we have a rotty.....what more do we need !!! lol :green:
And people always seem to love "the weekly scheme"

When I was a kid, we used to have to hide and not answer the door on monday's, wednesday,s and friday's ...only now do I realise why lmao

:lol: I have the same memory hahaha hiding with the lights off :lol:
basically I would ask for them to leave me something that they would have to come back for eg, their mobile, just something as security so they have to come back with the cash.

Mt friend is a Secondary teacher and she uses the same system for those puils who borrow a ruler, pencil, eraser, etc from her. She takes their coat, jumper, or something. One day she was writing at her desk when a big dirty trainer shoe was dumped on her desk and a big lad growled "I've not got a jumper today. Will my trainer do?" LOL
Actually you're right, I do have her post code. Thing is, if I go round there, what do I say? Do you not think that is a bit intimidating? Or am I being a coward? I think you're right, I need to go on an assertiveness course. In most cases I'm ok but I can be a bit too soft sometimes and I need to start being more assertive when it comes to my business xx

I dont think It's intimidating , you could just say you were in the area and thought you'd pop by because you weren't sure she recieved your letter "you know what the post is like" And could she write you a cheque because you cant balance your june books and yur accountant will be on at you about it :) Hope you get it sorted hun it's awful to be treated that way. I would defo in future if someone wants lots of treatments in 1 go give them the bill up front .
That's so bad! I'm really cross for you! I hate it when people do that - she should just be honest and say she's having trouble paying (you could agree some kind of instalment plan or something...?)

My Dad is self-employed and he charges interest when his clients are late in paying him. Apparently it's standard practice to charge people interest (on a daily basis) before going to the small claims court. If you google 'statutory interest calculator' you should find more info.

Word of advice from my pops - the small claims court is really expensive, stressful and time consuming (for you) and should really only be your very last resort. I don't know if this helps but maybe you could try confronting her saying that its gone on for too long and that she really does need to pay you.

Good luck! And let us know how you get on.
I had a client who's nails I did around xmas time, she paid by cheque.
I was too busy to bank the cheques at that time!!!
Her next appointment arrived, I carried out my service and she paid me with yet another cheque from the same account. This 2nd appointment was between xmas & new year.
I bank my cheques, guess what - her 2 cheques bounced.
I called her & she put her hubby on who promised to pop round the next day with the money.
No he did not show.
I called again...he said I was threatening them!!! I told him I had a friend who was a debt collector - true.
I ended up giving the two cheques to my debt collector friend, which were a signed document basically showing she owed me the money - all of £60!
He took them to court - they had to pay & did - cost them £300 approx & I got £95 back - included my costs.
Stupid bint she was - thought she'd got one over on me!

My point here is, try the local debt collection agency - speak to them about their charges, which will probably be paid by the debtor anyway -m what have you got to lose?
Good Luck with it.
My mate had a firm based in Peterborough, if you want more info - pm me xx
Thank you all so much for your replies ~ it has been really bugging me because I just feel like she thinks I'm a mug really. Anyway, I have decided to write her a letter stating that she has left me no other option but to take this to a small claims court. Then I'm going to put her postcode in my sat nav and go with my boyfriend (who is a policeman!) and deliver it by hand.

What a blimin' cheek!! I have DEFINITELY learnt my lesson ~ I will take a 50% deposit on all treatments over 1 1/2 hours from now on. I tell you, I really need to get more assertive so from now on I have turned over a new leaf!!! xx
Thank you all so much for your replies ~ it has been really bugging me because I just feel like she thinks I'm a mug really. Anyway, I have decided to write her a letter stating that she has left me no other option but to take this to a small claims court. Then I'm going to put her postcode in my sat nav and go with my boyfriend (who is a policeman!) and deliver it by hand.

What a blimin' cheek!! I have DEFINITELY learnt my lesson ~ I will take a 50% deposit on all treatments over 1 1/2 hours from now on. I tell you, I really need to get more assertive so from now on I have turned over a new leaf!!! xx

Good for you mate!
Get your bf to wear his uniform...she'll have a heart attack:lol:
With hopefully this lesson learnt the next thing I would do is stop putting yourself in a position accepting Cheques and get yourself some Merchant Services i.e. a Card Machine for a Start. Its certainly going to give you more options for taking money opposed to just a Cheque book in some peoples cases.
With hopefully this lesson learnt the next thing I would do is stop putting yourself in a position accepting Cheques and get yourself some Merchant Services i.e. a Card Machine for a Start. Its certainly going to give you more options for taking money opposed to just a Cheque book in some peoples cases.

Thanks Fitz ~ I do actually have a card machine already but suprise suprise she doesn't 'like' to use her card, CLEARLY is all I can say!!!!!
so whats happened?

did you send a letter out first? got a bit lost with Judy's intimidation act and Bev Rose's debt collection and policemen!!!
Thanks Fitz ~ I do actually have a card machine already but suprise suprise she doesn't 'like' to use her card, CLEARLY is all I can say!!!!!

Oh dear, well with that I really don't know what to say. We had ours installed to avoid Cheques. I think you should have insisted on a Card payment otherwise you wouldn't do the work. Actually now you could use this to your advantage, if you have a Salon put a message up somewhere like a window and inside explaining that because of whats happened you now refuse to accept Cheques, you now only accept Card Payments and Cash. That will certainly stop this happening again.
itd be better to send it by recorded delivery as you then have evidence you sent the letter. x
Latest on the situation ~ I sent another letter saying that we need payment within 7 working days. Today she called up to apologise but she has been in hospital but I'm not buying any of it. She has a different excuse all the time. Anyway, she said she can't send the money to me until the 20th Sept unless I gave HER my account number and sort code and she will transfer the money to me !!!!?????!!!!!!! I said I'm not prepared to do that and that I expect her to send me a cheque. she replied saying that she can't until after the 20th so I said "lets agree then that we need payment within 7 days from the 20th or I will start small court proceedings to get my money" . She wasn't very happy about that but now I will just wait and see what will happen!! xx
How come she could pay directly into your account there and then but has to wait until 20th to pay you by cheque?
I would then be asking for a post dated cheque..with all her details on the back, including the chquw guarantee number and stuff...she surely cant refuse that if she wants to wait till the 10th...but in my opinion, you have waited long enough. start the proceedings

Exactly ~ she said she could call her bank up and organise for the money to be transfered but because she is in hospital, she can't get her cheque book, therefore can't even post date the cheque. I still think she isn't even in hospital. It is so frustrating ~ my Mum has been really ill herself these last few months but one thing she would not do is pay a bill, mind you she wouldn't not pay a bill to start with. I AM SO ANNOYED!!!!!! xx

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