Accident prone!


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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2013
Reaction score
Sutton Coldfield
just spilt an entire bottle of acrylic primer all over myself no longer than 30 mins after having a spray tan for tonight!!! please tell me I'm not the only dopey person in the world I can barely walk without falling over 🙈😂x
Usually every client I have I either drop something or knock something over I am a dope!! Smashed a glass this morning because I walked into a door frame too haha I do not see door frames and walk into them all the time :( I am a very very clumsy person! My mum and dad say I was really bad when I was younger too, always falling ha ha

Sarah xx
I think there's something wrong with me, I must be the clumsiest person going. I'm also heavy handed so the two together spell disaster. This week I've broken the door off the tumble dryer, the toilet seat has become unhinged and I smashed a Pyrex bowl last night. I manage to break or spill something a few times a week.

I'm also completely thick. Yesterday I had to mystery shop a supermarket and went to the wrong store. I didn't realise there were two the same in the next town. So they rang me and I begged if I could do it properly today. Yes, they said, we'll send you an email. So I did it today and when I got home and tried to do my report I saw it said I have to do it on Monday. I think I'm going to give up.
I'm absent minded.
Left a very important document in the loo of a premises yesterday.
Got to supermarket, where's phone? Panic for half an hour and it's on the stairs at home.
Filled my tank with diesel and no purse. Had to leave my tax disc as a guarantee.
Leave my laptop at home regularly and have to drive 20 miles back to fetch it.
I could go on lol
I'm a danger to myself :)
Today I started with hitting myself in the eye with my hair brush. Red eye all day.
I left cotton wool soaked in acetone too close to a candle and it caught fire. Felt sooo stupid!
Left my phone at home again and caused both my sons to panic cos I wasn't answering. Doh!
Managed to try and get to a car park down a closed road and the police sent me on a massive detour.
Got to the butchers for Sunday lunch joint after it closed.
This is just today!
Must do better :(
Missymuffin.. have you ever thought about staying in bed all day and not moving. are a danger. Ha ha :)

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Missymuffin.. have you ever thought about staying in bed all day and not moving. are a danger. Ha ha :)

Sent from my GT-N7100 using SalonGeek mobile app

Absolutely lol
Just waiting for the night that the bed collapses or something :)

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