Advice on HD Brows course please


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Sep 26, 2013
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Hello, I've decided to do the HD Brows course but I'm unbelievably nervous. A friend has told me she found it really hard and struggled despite all her experience. I have no experience :/ can anybody please give me any advice or tips? Thank you x
I done the HD brows course last month, and the girls are so helpful and friendly you really have nothing to worry about! There was a couple of girls on my course that had no experience at all, it's just about practising once you've done the course - I wouldn't book any full paying clients in for at least 2 weeks after the course, just get as many models as you can in! x

Well done for choosing HD it's fab!!

I think everyone is nervous, I was!! It's so difficult in the days trying to get to grips learning the steps and remembering which order to do them in. The trainers guide you every step of the way. HD are renowned for the quality of their stylists. They make sure your fantastic! When I left and had my first customer I was like oh s*** what do I do??? I wrote down the steps one by one and the first 5/6 clients took me about an hour & Hf. 100+ customers in and I can do it with my eyes closed (probably wouldn't try that tho hehe).

I also sent off all pics of my first clients to HD and in a word they told me I was rubbish. I was GUTTED! I took everything on board and now I honestly think I'm rather fab. It sounds abit arrogant but I work really hard to be the best I can be and I'm quiet well known in my local area.

I have days where I think hmm that could of been better but you never stop learning. Everyone's eyebrows and results are different.

I booked clients in back to back for two
Weeks solid after my training at a reduced rate and that really helped my practice and learn the step. I look at the pics of the first brows I did and I was naff!! Not so naff now though. Having experience doesn't really make a difference in my opinion. Just keep calm, enjoy it, take it in and in time you will have mastered the craft xxx
Thanks so much. Feel a bit better already. Will definitely make sure I get plenty of practice before I start charging X

Daft question but did everyone wear salon attire or will I get away with just dressing smartish? X
Does anyone do HD Brows mobile? If so do you find you are busy with it and is there a lot of kit to carry around? x
I was hoping to do a HD course too..but not quite sure who to train with :( any ideas??
You have to book through HD themselves. The only places that train are in Yorkshire and Milton Keynes (and I think there's one in Scotland) and its a a 2 day course. Its so expensive but hopefully will be worth it x
You have to book through HD themselves. The only places that train are in Yorkshire and Milton Keynes (and I think there's one in Scotland) and its a a 2 day course. Its so expensive but hopefully will be worth it x

Thanks for the information
Thanks so much. Feel a bit better already. Will definitely make sure I get plenty of practice before I start charging X

Daft question but did everyone wear salon attire or will I get away with just dressing smartish? X

Some wore salon uniform (me) some wore normal attire xx
You have no reason to be nervous or worried! Doing the HD Brows course has definitely been one of the best decisions I've ever made and the training is fantastic. The girls are so friendly and helpful, so don't be worried about asking any questions or asking for advice. We've all had to start somewhere so just relax and enjoy your 2 days training! Once you start practising you'll find the steps become second nature to you - it's so worth it and I'm sure you'll love it :) x
I'm really interested in this thread! Im in the middle of paying for my HD training and I cant wait until I can book it. The eye brow part of my Cibtac training was very basic, we weren't thought how to wax just tweeze so Im looking forward to being more confident in brows over
I did my training on 8 August at The Centre in Edinburgh and thoroughly enjoyed the course. Even though I could do a mean tint & wax prior to the training I learnt loads! HD is soooo much more and it infuriates me when people think they can do a HD Brow without the training when pics show they aren't even close! I'm seeing upto 10 clients a week (which is way more than I thought!) and lots of them will be on a "brow journey" therefore are re-booking. I am glad I did it and although I found it challenging at first I feel I now am coming out the other end!
LOVE LOVE LOVE doing HD Brows. I had no brows, waxing or threading experience either. It's tje best course iv neen on and throughly enjoyed it. Done my refresher on Wednesday and it was just fab. Debbie in Edinburgh is just the best, soo helpful (even tho she thinks a stint in the priory would help my ocd) and honest. Highly recommend the course and cant get enough brows through the door.

Hiya Pam ^^^^ thanks again for being my model.

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Thanks so much. I've wound myself up so much. Been having nightmares they told me I was rubbish and couldn't practice :// think the pressure of the money is adding to it. Fingers crossed will be OK and will make it all back x
Iv not been mega busy but I think iv made back around half and been doing them only three months. I was also doing friends and family for half price anf just ending my sept offer for £20 so im pretty pleased with that.

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