Allergic to Fake Bake. Is there an alternative?


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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2009
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Coatbridge, Scotland
Last xmas I bought myself Fake Bake Gold as a present to myself. I followed all the instructions on the back (except the patch test but I'll come to that later). Anyway during the night I started scratching my stomach and legs but was too sleepy to think about what I was doing lol. I got up Xmas day and I was covered head to toe in little blisters!! It was a nightmare cause all I wanted to do was get it off but had to sit until the boys opened all their prezzies. I jumped in the shower and started scrubbing away but not a lot came off and I was still very itchy all over. I had to go to the hospital that night and the doc gave me piriton, a steroid and told me never to get fake tan again. I know a should have done a patch test (being an ex-hairdresser) but I'm fine with all tints and was ok with the 3 day tans (dove etc).
My question is. Is there any other tans out there I could try? I'd love a spray tan but wouldn't put anybody in that position incase it happened again.
Any advise appreciated as I don't know what ingredient exactly caused this. Do they all have the same ingredient?

P xx
Last xmas I bought myself Fake Bake Gold as a present to myself. I followed all the instructions on the back (except the patch test but I'll come to that later). Anyway during the night I started scratching my stomach and legs but was too sleepy to think about what I was doing lol. I got up Xmas day and I was covered head to toe in little blisters!! It was a nightmare cause all I wanted to do was get it off but had to sit until the boys opened all their prezzies. I jumped in the shower and started scrubbing away but not a lot came off and I was still very itchy all over. I had to go to the hospital that night and the doc gave me piriton, a steroid and told me never to get fake tan again. I know a should have done a patch test (being an ex-hairdresser) but I'm fine with all tints and was ok with the 3 day tans (dove etc).
My question is. Is there any other tans out there I could try? I'd love a spray tan but wouldn't put anybody in that position incase it happened again.
Any advise appreciated as I don't know what ingredient exactly caused this. Do they all have the same ingredient?

P xx

Hiya hun,
all tanning products contain the ingrediant DHA as this is the actual tanning ingrediant. The amount of DHA varies from brand to brand and strength (i.e 8%, 10% etc.) The other ingrediants will vary considerably from brand to brand.

I would say the only thing for you to do is to patch yourself, it may be just an ingrediant that fake bake use that caused you to react.

Any spray tan technician worth their salt wouldn't dare spray you without a patch test first anyway considering you have previously had a reaction.


Hi Hayley

thanks for your advice, i'll definately patch in future and try other one's. Im fine with bronzer's but hate getting caught in the rain and being up in Scotland there's a lot of it!! :cry: I asked the salon that i bought if from and they were'nt sure (never even mentioned DHA'S?). They don't spray only manually apply so maybe their not as clued up about it. Maybe if i'd got them to apply it i would have found out from the patch test and saved some money lol. If it is the DHA's then I hope the industry can come up with another magic ingredients for us. I hope i find something because i hate being white, gave up sunbeds cause i don't want to be old and wrinkly before my time......and possibly get skin cancer! I just can't win at the moment. :cry: xx
Hi Hayley

thanks for your advice, i'll definately patch in future and try other one's. Im fine with bronzer's but hate getting caught in the rain and being up in Scotland there's a lot of it!! :cry: I asked the salon that i bought if from and they were'nt sure (never even mentioned DHA'S?). They don't spray only manually apply so maybe their not as clued up about it. Maybe if i'd got them to apply it i would have found out from the patch test and saved some money lol. If it is the DHA's then I hope the industry can come up with another magic ingredients for us. I hope i find something because i hate being white, gave up sunbeds cause i don't want to be old and wrinkly before my time......and possibly get skin cancer! I just can't win at the moment. :cry: xx

If it was the DHA (dihydroxyacetone) you are allergic to, you would have problems with the Dove tanner too which you mentioned you have used. There are "E" only solutions available (Erythulose) however some people have problems with fading with these types of solutions.

Given that you didn't have a problem with the Dove tanner, I'd hedge my bets that it is another of the ingredients in Fake Bake you are allergic to. Did they do a scrub on your skin prior to tanning you? Do some research on some high content natural and organic tans and yes, do a patch test first - just to make sure.

Hope that helps.:lol:
I find a lot of people are allergic to DMDM Hydantoin. I suffer from Eczema and anything I use with this ingredient causes the problem to flare up as an all over allergy.

I took it out of our range of solutions and made them hydrating which has meant I no longer get irritation from spray tanning.

You could also be having a reaction to fragrance and alcohol etc as well.

You need to look for a product with as few ingredients as possible and ingredients that hydrate skin help prevent irritation.

Thanks Kate and Tan Envy for your advice. Im researching the ingredients you have mentioned so fingers crossed.

O and the Salon didn't scrub me as I bought it to take home and apply maybe I did something wrong as well... followed all the instructions about exfoliating etc? X
The bottom line here is that you could have had an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients in the brands solution ..indeed it could have been to the DHA this stage it is difficult to tell.

It is always advisable to undertake a patch test for the very reasons you have rather unfortunately experienced.

The best thing for you to do is find a salon (I assume you are a consumer here) that doesn't use the brand you mentioned and go in and ask for a patch test...any good salon who is interested in attracting a new client would be happy to undertake this for you.

If no reaction then its not the DHA your allergic to and can proceed happily.

It might just be worth finding a salon that uses an organic product as we have found that many customers who generally suffer mild reaction and irritation to the skin have not experienced these problems when using an organic product

Good luck with your quest and do let us know how you get on :hug:
Thanks Collin. Yes when it comes to tanning I am a consumer. I think that's what I need to do is go to a salon and ask for a patch test first. I was just a bit worried that they might say that they won't touch me because of my last allergy, that's why I haven't done it so far. Im looking into trying Organic at the i'll post to let everyone know how it goes......
Thanks Collin. Yes when it comes to tanning I am a consumer. I think that's what I need to do is go to a salon and ask for a patch test first. I was just a bit worried that they might say that they won't touch me because of my last allergy, that's why I haven't done it so far. Im looking into trying Organic at the i'll post to let everyone know how it goes......

Good luck and dont be put off with your first adverse reaction...there is bound to be a solution out there that suits your allergies :hug:

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