Allergic to most systems but seem fine after Bio gels, cross everything!


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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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Hi there

I had some Bio gels applied by a professional nail technican (after receiving advice from the bio gel trainer on my allergy issue) on myself over the weekend (who only do Bio gels in their salon) to see how I reacted, and I had no allergy response what so ever:)

I am allergic to acrylic and most other gel systems, where I sneeze and wheeze for days after (same as bad hayfever), and thought that was it for me:cry: , until I had Bio gels on the weekend.

I am not counting my chickens just yet (want to go back a few times before I feel I have no reaction):rolleyes: Just wondering how different is the Bio ingredients from other systems, or maybe my immune system was having a good day :eek:

I qualified in nail enhancements at my local college and did the conversion course with Creative over 4 years ago now, and to be honest have forgotten a lot, due to only working in the industry a very short time and such a long time ago now, due to my allergy. So excuse my lack of knowledge! Also had a baby recently so I think Iv left my brain back in the hospital!!!

I did do the Bio gel course in July 04 (cant remember a thing, so embarrassed) and did not continue with them, as to be honest (hold my hands up) I was hopeless at sculpting, so went down the tip and acrylic route, I should of percevered and trained more in the sculpting and continued at the bio gels, but I found acrylic easier(especially due to being fresh out of college with the lack of experience) and Creative products were also fantastic, so took the acrylic route?

I am very impressed with the look of Bio gels, they a very natural looking and have a lovely shine and feel to them! Am i kidding myself that Bio gels will be any different with regards to allergies and this is a one off?
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Hi there

Thanks for the link Bagpuss, Il read it through when have a minute tonight after college.

Its early days at the moment, just seeing how I get on with the allergy situation. But the trainer did say If or when I feel I have no allergy to them, she will do a refresher course with me in Bio gels (maybe do the whole course again due to 4 years since I did them and cant remember much!)

I also want to attend further training in sculpting on top of the bio training, and practice on friends, untill Im sure I can offer nails that are of a high standard to any client, as I have never been confident in the sculpting side of things, I guess I gave up too early on sculpts:rolleyes::rolleyes:!

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