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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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hi all nikki here
hasanyone worked with backscratchers or salonserve silk/fibreglass
i would love some feedback on both and also where on can get backscratchers from ??
hi all nikki here
hasanyone worked with backscratchers or salonserve silk/fibreglass
i would love some feedback on both and also where on can get backscratchers from ??

I have both worked with and taught for Backscratchers (moons ago). :)

Backscratchers was the original Fiberglass/Silk system and as a company is more than 25 years old. If using a system in a professional setting then I would choose it from the two you have listed. Super Nail and Beauty Ltd is the sole UK distributor for: Backscratchers Nail Care Systems based in London.
arrr thanku its always good to get a few recomendations x
hi there i have used backscratchers for 6 years now they are fantastic and ive never had any problems! supernail have always been very helpful and never had any issues with stock etc
do u know if you have to trained by backscratchers to order from them or will they accept other training ??
It only makes good sense to do training witrh a new product to you ... it would be absolutely idiotic not to ... if they offer it then take it (I believe they do). You shouldn't even be asking this question as it implies that you would not do the training if it was not compulsory.
i think you have miss understood what i ment , i am booked to do a fibreglass and silk wrap course , the tutor ill be training with is teaching with ez flow, but i was trying to find out which brands people preffered and backscratchers came up good but i know some companys will only supply to u if you have been trained with there particular product , i will be doing training just looking to find out infoabout brands . hope this clears it up
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Hi we have used Backscratchers for 20 years and it is by far the best fibreglass system out there :). You do however have to be trained by Backscratchers to buy their products! Its a fiddley way to do but as i say you can,t argue with 20 years of clients who still come in! We are currently introducing Bio sculpture and they don,t like the idea of change particulaly as you get such a strong but fine finish with fibreglass!
Your main supplier is super nail, how ever some smaller warehouses will supply with proof of qualification, hope that helps x
i think you have miss understood what i ment , i am booked to do a fibreglass and silk wrap course , the tutor ill be training with is teaching with ez flow, but i was trying to find out which brands people preffered and backscratchers came up good but i know some companys will only supply to u if you have been trained with there particular product , i will be doing training just looking to find out infoabout brands . hope this clears it up

Thank you for the clarification. Re reading my post it sounds like I am coming down on you which I really wasn't meaning to. It's just when peeps ask this question it is usually followed with something like, "I dont' think I need any more training, or, I don't want to pay for any more training" etc. I did that naughty thing and assumed you were thinking the same. Apologies.

Personally I wouldn't buy from a company that did not demand training with enhancement products. Good for you, doing our homework and finding out.
thanku for your response im really excited in doin my training in fibreglass i have a lot of clients that sound keen on the idea but i know what u mean about change people do get very stuck in a rut , i currently offer L+P and i believe that wraps are a good service to offer if people are trying to revert back to natural also good for little nail repairs xx
thanks again for your advice xx
Thank you for the clarification. Re reading my post it sounds like I am coming down on you which I really wasn't meaning to. It's just when peeps ask this question it is usually followed with something like, "I dont' think I need any more training, or, I don't want to pay for any more training" etc. I did that naughty thing and assumed you were thinking the same. Apologies.

Personally I wouldn't buy from a company that did not demand training with enhancement products. Good for you, doing our homework and finding out.

its ok i know what you assumed but i feel very strongly about doin proper training, i know there is too many people out there prob not trained or have done rediculous day courses with no experiance with real people and it really annoys me when i think of the work some of us put in
its ok i know what you assumed but i feel very strongly about doin proper training, i know there is too many people out there prob not trained or have done rediculous day courses with no experiance with real people and it really annoys me when i think of the work some of us put in

Well you know, not everyone has the same commitment to excellence ... but don't let it anny you as the ones who do are the ones who find success ... the others? Here today and gone tomorrow! Not worth getting annoyed about or wasting any energy. :hug:

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