Beauty therapist, not a chiropodist


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Jan 6, 2012
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So I haven't been mobile for very long but so far my clients have wanted shellac and pedicures which so far is fine, but I am getting people ask me to remove there corns and my response is only a chiropodist can remove them and there response is but the salon I usually
go to
argh no luck with my i phone always sending messages before i have finished

i was saying... client will go on to say that the salon they go to removes their corns for them, so its got me thinking will that be the first and last time i see them if they can go their salon and what they really want, do i stand a chance and how do i keep them as a returning customer without carrying out this service??

i am mobile.
Hi there if the client is having corns etc, removed by beauty therapist I'd be worried about the salon they go to, far be it from u to tell them that just advise should ONLY be a Chiropodist who does that sort of treatment we r only making nails look pretty :)
Maybe they're just saying that to see if you do it. Can't see any reputable beauty salon removing corns!! You're quite right, they need a chiropodist xx
Maybe they're just saying that to see if you do it. Can't see any reputable beauty salon removing corns!! You're quite right, they need a chiropodist xx

would be great if this was true but sadly not the case as i also did my partners mum and she said the same thing! surely they are not insured to do so unless they are beauty therapist slash chiropodist.

my teacher always said 'we are not chirodists we just make feet look pretty' or something along those lines but would be cheeky to say that to a client.
Ooer, well I don't know what to think. Maybe they are trained in chiropody where they go but I very much doubt it. I wouldn't worry too much hun, I don't do feet at all but am still busy! X
They are cheapskates and trying to cut their costs and make YOU do what they should be paying good money to chiropodists for.

What you tell them is exactly right. Your insurance would NOT cover you for removing corns. If their old salon used to then either they are skating on very thin ice or perhaps someone there does hold a chiropody certificate but you are absolutely right in what you tell them.

I have a lady who, every time I trim her toenails, tries to get me to dig in with my tools (as if) and prise up her very nearly ingrowing toenail . . . "OOH YES I'll do what I can (which is file the length) but you really ought to see the chiropodist about this one" I say and she starts going on about how much the chiropodist costs :rolleyes: tightwad
They might of done the foot practitioner course, but i wouldn't remove it xxxx
tell them you are a beautician not a magician .:green:
They are cheapskates and trying to cut their costs and make YOU do what they should be paying good money to chiropodists for.

What you tell them is exactly right. Your insurance would NOT cover you for removing corns. If their old salon used to then either they are skating on very thin ice or perhaps someone there does hold a chiropody certificate but you are absolutely right in what you tell them.

I have a lady who, every time I trim her toenails, tries to get me to dig in with my tools (as if) and prise up her very nearly ingrowing toenail . . . "OOH YES I'll do what I can (which is file the length) but you really ought to see the chiropodist about this one" I say and she starts going on about how much the chiropodist costs :rolleyes: tightwad
Urgghhh YUK!!!
Thank god I don't do feet!! X
thanks for all your advice
i am not going to worry too much about this hopefully it will not be something i get asked reguarly but if i do at least i know the correct advice to give.
I know if i had a corn a salon would be the last place i would go to have it removed and find it crazy that people would put trust into having it done at a salon and not a foot specialist.
If I had a corn I wouldn't be getting my feet out full stop lol xx
I have a lady who, every time I trim her toenails, tries to get me to dig in with my tools (as if) and prise up her very nearly ingrowing toenail . . . "OOH YES I'll do what I can (which is file the length) but you really ought to see the chiropodist about this one" I say and she starts going on about how much the chiropodist costs :rolleyes: tightwad[/QUOte

argh yes i can imagine i had one lady ask me to cut a chunk of dead skin off the side of her foot with scissors, she said she does this all the time, my response was i wont be cutting it with any scissors i can file it down a bit but would recommend getting booked in for a callus peel next time.
I know its not likely but she mayof been to a salon like where I used to work.... We had a chiropodist who did her but, then like client would finish off the treatment with the therapist to make the tootsies look pretty.... However I'm more inclinded to think she just when to a salon and pushed the therapist into it! (Why does she no longer go to the other salon) ???
tell them you are a beautician not a magician .:green:

i like this one
i think i saw the guy on the show benidorm wearing this written on a t-shirt last week lol.
I have 3 corns on my feet and I'm only 24 :( the chiropodist has said it was from running in my teens and not wearing trainers that supported my feet properly. I HATE them :(

Anyway this embarrassing problem if mine has taught me a few things, a chiropodist is the only one that should remove a corn. A corn grows into the foot in a cone liked shaped and does need a sharp blade and a trained hand to care for it properly. I am currently studying nails at college and all the girls found it interesting having a good gander at my feet, led to the tutor confirming again that this is something a nail technician should never touch. It's not your average area of hard skin, and it could also hurt the client if done wrong.

I pay £35 every 8 weeks to have my feet sorted, it's a profession I couldn't do that's for sure!

Also, you could tell clients that if they visit their GP their GP can refer them to a chiropodist.
I know its not likely but she mayof been to a salon like where I used to work.... We had a chiropodist who did her but, then like client would finish off the treatment with the therapist to make the tootsies look pretty.... However I'm more inclinded to think she just when to a salon and pushed the therapist into it! (Why does she no longer go to the other salon) ???

i doubt it was this type of salon
and i think you are quite right about getting pushed into doing this, however no amount of persuading could get me to do this! and good question about not going back to the other salon! that was my worry that if they want it done they will go back instead of coming to me!
I have 3 corns on my feet and I'm only 24 :( the chiropodist has said it was from running in my teens and not wearing trainers that supported my feet properly. I HATE them :(

Anyway this embarrassing problem if mine has taught me a few things, a chiropodist is the only one that should remove a corn. A corn grows into the foot in a cone liked shaped and does need a sharp blade and a trained hand to care for it properly. I am currently studying nails at college and all the girls found it interesting having a good gander at my feet, led to the tutor confirming again that this is something a nail technician should never touch. It's not your average area of hard skin, and it could also hurt the client if done wrong.

I pay £35 every 8 weeks to have my feet sorted, it's a profession I couldn't do that's for sure!

its a shame that as youngsters we do not know the future harm that certain things can end up having on us as we get older.

when i was younger i used to wear ill fitting shoes and high heels regular than i saw a picture of vitoria beckhams feet with an article from a professional saying what caused this and ever since i read it i started taking care of my feet and threw out all my shoes that i didnt think did any justice for my feet, i also let my feet get air at any opportunity i have i also always take flipflops with me if wearing heels,i can luckily say i have no problems with my feet.

its unfortunate that you have them but least you do something about it and spend your money getting it sorted professionally i think thats a good idea to refer to gp for a refferal thanks.

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