Hi all
I am currently using the edge gel whoch is a self level system and have just brought the hollywood white gel to create semi-permanent french enhancements. Can anyone tell me wen they feel the best time is to apply the white gel????? I have tried applying it as the very first layer which was ok but by te time you do three coats of the pink gel over it it does dull the white slightly...and woundnt this be a pain when it come to a rebalance as you would hve tofiloe right down to re-do the white gel? I have also tried applying it last and the applying just the thin gel sealant over the top, but this way the white gel creates a ridge that dosent cet smoothed out with the sealant??? I have also tried doing the white sandwiched in between the pink gel layers but then when buffing to perfect shape at the end before applying sealant the white gets buffed off!"!!!!! HELP??????????????????????????????
I am currently using the edge gel whoch is a self level system and have just brought the hollywood white gel to create semi-permanent french enhancements. Can anyone tell me wen they feel the best time is to apply the white gel????? I have tried applying it as the very first layer which was ok but by te time you do three coats of the pink gel over it it does dull the white slightly...and woundnt this be a pain when it come to a rebalance as you would hve tofiloe right down to re-do the white gel? I have also tried applying it last and the applying just the thin gel sealant over the top, but this way the white gel creates a ridge that dosent cet smoothed out with the sealant??? I have also tried doing the white sandwiched in between the pink gel layers but then when buffing to perfect shape at the end before applying sealant the white gets buffed off!"!!!!! HELP??????????????????????????????