Blending a grade 1


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Jan 2, 2016
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I'm a hairdresser but new to barbering, I'm struggling to get the perfect blend on a grade one when its longer on top.. Any tips would be great.
Try doing a grade 2 first followed by the 1. It's often easier to blend that way.
Do your top first with scissors, assuming your leaving length on top.
Then, ALWAYS go in with a large guard - say a 4, especially until you are confident.
Work your way down, changing your guard to a 3, then 2, and finish with the 1.
1 is very short, and will look shorter on fair hair or hair with less density.
You will probably need to scissor over comb to get a perfect blend with the top.
Good Luck.:)
Same, start with the bigger numbers and work down, don't forget you have a lever on the side to adjust to a half longer or shorter too, I find no2 with the lever up to a number 1 with the lever down fades best then finish off with lever up on 1
When scissor over combing to blend if hairs not to fine I tend to use thinning scissors, it blends much better x
When scissor over combing to blend if hairs not to fine I tend to use thinning scissors, it blends much better x
I'm a hairdresser but new to barbering, I'm struggling to get the perfect blend on a grade one when its longer on top.. Any tips would be great.
You would go slightly higher and start with a 3 then go up to the 3 with a 1 and then clipper over comb the weight line , cut top , blow dry and then scissor over comb and thinning scissors , hope this makes sense
When I first started barbering training I was so scared of doing anything below a 2, so when the time came I did my 2 (or higher), then dropped to 1.5, then a 1 , half a grade at a time.
I always cut the top and back/sides first with scissors.
I found it useful to just throw myself in at the deep end.
I now cut gents hair much better with shorter guards than I do longer! My boyfriends has a no guard blended in which is scary at first but just practise practise practise! I used to do my lad mates hair for free at home.
Thinning scissors are also great for weight lines, if sometimes I just am not happy with a certain section 9/10 times it needed thinning.
Also use your mirror, sometimes where you think the weight is its not and you actually have to point it out in the mirror to know where it is, if that makes sense!
Sorry to jump on the thread.
But I always think the hair looks alright when I step back, but when I show them the back with the mirror it looks like there's a step... Anyway I can improve this?
Sorry to jump on the thread.
But I always think the hair looks alright when I step back, but when I show them the back with the mirror it looks like there's a step... Anyway I can improve this?

I used to sometimes feel I had this problem in training and sometimes it was because I had not taken the clippers high enough so when the client put their head in the proper position looking up the cut needed to be slightly higher or they could sometimes have a roll on their head.
I also turn the clients head slightly in the mirror so I can check the cut is square and even from a side/back view aswell!
I Also always blend in half grades at a time
I personally have zero training in barbering, I self taught from age 11 so I can only speak from experience, when you get the step @Grace_Hair i go over again with the lowest number of the blend but rock the clipper outwards away from the head that usually sorts the line out, I always start from the biggest number and go down tho, my colleague does it completely opposite tho and still gets a nice blend so it's just practice I think :)
On a shorter grade,especially number 1, i use my mini clippers over comb to blend. I find that that i can go closer to the scalp than using scissor over comb.
It took confidence and experience to feel comfortable with it but as others have said...practise, practice, practise!!

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