Bug bites - any remedies?


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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2010
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Anyone got any pearls of wisdom about how to first deter bugs biting or secondly deal with the after effects when they do bite? I react to insect bites even a little black ant can give me a large red angry patch about3 inches across.
Yesterday I was bitten by a little black thrip, Its again a large patch on my calf and it really hurts, I put cream on ( to little effect) and take piriton but it makes life so miserable, I have to wear trousers now or long dress to cover it up ( quite ugly):irked:
anyone any magic potions??
My dad would say viniger haha :) I get nasty reactions to mosquitoes but usually just have to sit it out with tea tree cream applied hourly lol or aloe Vera gel if you've got a plant hth x

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Aloe Vera is a good one, buy a tub or if you can, get a plant in your garden, snap a leaf off and keep it in the fridge for all kinds of uses! X
If you are prone to insect bites, then as "anti-bite", I would suggest an insect repellant and possibly one which contains Deet.

So far as "after-bite" is concerned, I swear by a recommendation I was given by a friend years ago. It's called "Neosporin", but unfortunately, so far as I know, it is only available in the U.S.

Having said that, there must be a good alternative available. Have you spoken to your GP or pharmacist? There are also probably lot of herbal remedies (aloe vera) being one of them.

Hope that helps and good luck.
I've always been told to use clear polish, before you scratch it raw.

I went to our small local minor ailments A+E as its the size of a saucer now and starting to blister. she didn't even look at it just said to take anti-histamine and possibly come in the morning when a Doctor is there. I'm pretty sure it is infected, I had one last year that turned to cellulitis (sp?) I'll find out in the morning I guess? thanks for your help.
When I was a camp counsellor in the USA the kids used avon skin so soft oil as the bugs hated this - not sure if you can still get it??:eek:
If you think it could be infected, then I agree it's best to get it checked out professionally a.s.a.p.

An anti-histamine, such as Piriton, may help to keep the irritation at bay in the meantime though.

Fingers crossed it's not cellulitis ... let us know how you get on :hug:
1 drop of lavender every hour and 1 drop of tea tree every hour, so put one drop on at say 8pm, then the other at 8.30pm. repeat.

Note: lavender and tea tree are the only oils that can be applied neat BUT PLEASE DON'T ABUSE AND OVER DO.
Yes you can still get Avon's Skin so Soft but make sure it it the oil spray in the greeny blue bottle, it really works at preventing insect bites !!

I too suffer terribly when bitten and have almost ended up with cellulitus, it is a nightmare :eek:
Once bitten I tend to take anti histamines and use tea tree oil to help on the actual bite but it can take ages to go away and even leaves a permanent mark !!
Definitely avons dry oil body spray, I use it for midges and it stops the little bligjters feasting on me.
Thanks everyone, i've just ordered some avon skin so soft oil (buy one get one free) as i remember this kept bugs off the kids in the West Virginian mountains - and there were plenty of bugs there!
Prevention is better than cure, hopefully i'll get a cure for the two present ones before my legs rot and fall off!
when i was in thailand i got bitten badly and the locals all recommended tiger balm, it really worked
I saw the doctor this morning and yes they are infected, the blister on my leg on top of all the red raised area was about the size of a 50p and quite high! gross - I couldn't bear to look at it:irked: I have a course of antibiotics now so hopefull it won't get any worse, my sister-in-law had to have a skin graft last year because of a nasty bite reaction.
which avon oil is it? this one?

Skin So Soft Original Dry Oil Spray

I'm going to thailand for a few weeks after xmas and wanted to try and find an alternative to 100% deet if I could.
my son gets them really bad, they get really big and sore...we have tried everything, aloe vera, all the shop bought stuff, vinegar etc...the only thing that works for him is acetone!!! havent found anything that stops himgetting them yet xx