Hi Kelly,
With the wording for any ad you want to make sure you talk about the benefits of your service rather than just the features. The features are the properties of your products/service. For example the features of your business are that you are a NEW mobile business, and you offer beauty treatments, nails, and tanning.
Benefits, on the other hand, show how those features will actually be of benefit to the user. The fact you are mobile means that people can now have fantastic treatments without the inconvenience of leaving their home, their nails can look great and they can have a gorgeous tan, all at a time that suits them in their own home.
Another point is that you need to come up with a USP - a unique selling point - the USP is what makes your business stand apart from the competition. It needs to be something the customers value highly. To come up with your USP think about 3 things;
1) Needs of your customers - ie high quality treatments , convenience, value for money, etc
2) Natural Strengths of your own business - ie are you outstanding at any particular aspect of beauty?
3)Opportunities in your marketplace which are being under exploited by your competition - ie are there any other mobile therapists in your area you will be going into competition with? If so what can you offer that is different?
If you can come up with a good USP this will make your ad stand out from the crowd.
It might be worth ringing your local paper and speaking to the editor or one of the advertising guys (preferably someone with some influence) and offering to go to their house and giving them a free treatment in return for a small article on your new business, in addition to a paid advert elsewhere in the paper. This is quite common practice and an article on you will get you a lot more business than a paid advert, as people tend to trust articles more than ads. Think of it like a review of your new business.
Also have you considered having an introductory special offer - ie when I started my salon 3 years ago, to initially get people in to the salon I had '50% off your first treatment' - OK it didnt make me much money at the time but it got people in and many are still my regular clients 3 years later.
Sorry it went on a bit - hope this is of some help.