Can being a mobile nail technician be a good earner?


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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2010
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Halifax, west yorkshire

New to this, want as much advice as poss. Setting up mobile as nail technician, also going to do waxing, tanning, eye lash extensions, brow shaping etc.

Can this be a good money earner if obviously done properly?
On average how many customers you have a day (I know everyones different but I mean do any of you have weeks where the money doesn't really come in due to Jack of custom?)
Which treatments are your most popular, biggest earner?
Have you found advertising in different ways bring more custom in?

Anything can be a "good earner" if its done properly, but at the risk of bursting your bubble if your doing this for some fast cash and some quick bucks im sorry but i think your doing it for the wrong reasons.

A skilled nail technician can name her price and still get clientelle, however this skill take years to master and a lot of passion, hardwork and dedication. The majority of work that this technician will take on will come from word of mouth and a self built reputation, these are not things that happen overnight. dont mean to come accross as rude, just being relalistic.

as you say in your post your wanting to expand into waxing, lashes browshaping etc - just wondered have you looked into the NVQ 2 beauty therapy course as mani, pedi, warm waxing hot waxing, eyelashing tinting and brow shaping are all included within the syllabus also it will include facials and make up and A&P- might be worth considering if your wanting to be proficent in all treatments - you might find that you like some more than others and want to include the ones you prefer within your treatment menus.
From Personal experience i could never get into facials and its not something that i would include in my treatment menu even though i am qualified, i just dont enjoy doing it - and if i dont enjoy performing a treatment im sure my client wont either.
Hope that helps and sorry if i came accross as being a bit harsh
V x
No offence taken! However, I'm not in a bubble! I have wanted to become a nail technician for some time which is why I have saved for the Creative course. In the mean time I want to find out more. I know I'll love the job, I'm a passionate person and I put 100% into everything, however I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to know whether, something I can't wait to start as a career, could possibly earn me good money.

I totally understand it's what you put into it and I think in most professions you need handwork and dedication. I just wanted to know, that's all. Thank you for the advice though.

I have courses set out for the waxing etc, I'm going to do them under an academy I think as day courses :)

New to this, want as much advice as poss. Setting up mobile as nail technician, also going to do waxing, tanning, eye lash extensions, brow shaping etc.

Can this be a good money earner if obviously done properly?
On average how many customers you have a day (I know everyones different but I mean do any of you have weeks where the money doesn't really come in due to Jack of custom?)
Which treatments are your most popular, biggest earner?
Have you found advertising in different ways bring more custom in?


Of course it can make good money!!! Athough as already said, building up a good enough reputation to gain a good clientelle takes time. I'm 10 months in and its only recently that i've started gaining new clients on word of mouth, because i've now got a few very loyal clients who are telling their friends about me because they think i'm good enough to recommend!!

There's a few things to think about when working mobile though and its hard work!!

Its a little scary - going into a stranger home for the first time makes me feel nervous and i work very hard to make sure that new customers are who they say they are and that i'm as safe as possible. I always have a little chat with new customers on the phone, trying to ask questions about the service they required and such to check that they are genuine and to judge their character a little! Never take booking by text.

You lose alot of money making time in travel and set up - travelling to and from clients, getting equipment from the car, setting up table, tools etc. acking this all away again..... well, add up how many times a day you will be doing this and you'll see there is a lot of time you could have been making more money if you'd been in a salon and not mobile!

No walk ins to break up quiet times - Nobody can just walk in off the street like in a salon to fill the quiet times

Equipment - If you had some ask for waxing, tanning and nail extensions...... you would need a pop up tent for the tanning, you solution, your spray gun (sorry if the termanology is wrong, i'm a nail girl!) a portable bed for the waxing, your waxing equipment, a wax eater maybe? And then a portable table for your nails, i have a portable stool too, and your nail equipment. If that customer lives in a 2nd floor flat or something, its a lot of stuff to carry around and a lot of stuff to get in the car!!!

Thats everything i can think of for now and i'm not trying to put you off, just thought i'd add a few things worth considering :hug: xxxx

New to this, want as much advice as poss. Setting up mobile as nail technician, also going to do waxing, tanning, eye lash extensions, brow shaping etc.

Can this be a good money earner if obviously done properly?
On average how many customers you have a day (I know everyones different but I mean do any of you have weeks where the money doesn't really come in due to Jack of custom?)
Which treatments are your most popular, biggest earner?
Have you found advertising in different ways bring more custom in?


Victoria was being helpfull, you asked??? she replied?? I will now reply with my reply in saying what makes you think you can automatically earn money once finished? I ask this as junior Drs have to have something like over 100hrs experience which has been sucsessfull before becoming a DR same with dentists (I think) I am using this as I think you will find once you use a brush much like an artist does or a surgeon does with a scalplel it becomes your best friend.

You seem to disregard the training involved or how much time it takes not to mention money and dedication involved and self realisation its taken me nearley 2 yrs to become confident with one procedure (Nails L&P) I am soon to do my masters exam (yet still lack in confidence)

My point is I have been lucky enough to have a partner whom earns enough money to support me whilst I do not work. However I know it is not at first a quick buck,,,I could learn waxing,eyelashes,etc. but me being me I would as I did with nails only want to learn with the best and then go onto understand products etc the way I am with CND.

At first mobile is great,,then novelty wears off, real money I feel is in a salon wich is freelance at same time. xxxx
Victoria was being helpfull, you asked??? she replied?? I will now reply with my reply in saying what makes you think you can automatically earn money once finished? I ask this as junior Drs have to have something like over 100hrs experience which has been sucsessfull before becoming a DR same with dentists (I think) I am using this as I think you will find once you use a brush much like an artist does or a surgeon does with a scalplel it becomes your best friend.

You seem to disregard the training involved or how much time it takes not to mention money and dedication involved and self realisation its taken me nearley 2 yrs to become confident with one procedure (Nails L&P) I am soon to do my masters exam (yet still lack in confidence)

My point is I have been lucky enough to have a partner whom earns enough money to support me whilst I do not work. However I know it is not at first a quick buck,,,I could learn waxing,eyelashes,etc. but me being me I would as I did with nails only want to learn with the best and then go onto understand products etc the way I am with CND.

At first mobile is great,,then novelty wears off, real money I feel is in a salon wich is freelance at same time. xxxx

This post seems oddly harsh to me!

Victoria was being helpfull, you asked??? she replied

Yes, and the original poster replied, and thanked her for her advice!

what makes you think you can automatically earn money once finished?

I dont see anywhere that claims the OP is thinking she can acheive this without practice and dedication.

You seem to disregard the training involved or how much time it takes not to mention money and dedication involved and self realisation

Again, not sure where this conclusion came from, but honestly, many people new to the industry are unaware of just how much training is need before they are good enough. Did you realise before you began your courses that you would take 2 yrs to feel confident with you proceedure?? I know i certainly didnt!!

This site is to give advice and help other professionals or hopefuls, personally i think the original post was quite a sensible one. However much you aspire to be something in life, we all need to earn money and checking that the route you're planning to take does that seems like a good idea!!!
I am sorry I was being helpfull and honest,,,and your point to me about being oddly harsh was?? informative? corrective??
GOOD answer:):):) however I disagree, I could of said ,,,yes its a great earner you can earn lots of money,,,,but I would of been slated,,or do this or do that,,,, I was being honest which im sorry You find offence as she is new in the industry (im sure she took no offence personally,,,as I know) so why feel the need the need to attack me for putting it nicely but honestly???:eek::eek:

Totally risking hopping in the middle of this one... I agree with MissOwen, Tiffany's post didnt say "How can I make the most amount of money with the least amount of work, technical skill, training etc.?" From what could gather she was just curious whether or not it would ever pay off to be mobile, she got her answer and thanked ladyvic. What's the problem?
I agree with MissOwen, the posters reply to the help indeed began with 'no offence taken!' and later goes on to explain she realises any path requires dedication. The OP took the good advice for what it was and explained further what her plans were.

Victoria was being helpfull, you asked??? she replied??
This seems to be the part of your post that was particularly harsh as she had not taken any offence

Maybe the term 'good earner' wasnt the best to use, but I think it was used as a 'would it be a worth while investment that will be profitable' way rather than, 'will it be a good way to grab some cash for christmas' way.
Totally risking hopping in the middle of this one... I agree with MissOwen, Tiffany's post didnt say "How can I make the most amount of money with the least amount of work, technical skill, training etc.?" From what could gather she was just curious whether or not it would ever pay off to be mobile, she got her answer and thanked ladyvic. What's the problem?

WHATS THE PROBLEM?? you ask,, I may not of answered her directly but I was offering help and support from a personal point of view,,,,I am sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear but that is what the OP aske for advice and HELP...
i'm not attacking you. Nor do i think that you were not trying to be helpful, i was simply pointing out that it was a harsh way to post and that you made a lot of assumptions of the original posters intentions. Things like this can seriously put off new geeks as it can be quite daunting joining the geek environment.

The written word comes without tone or facial expressions and has to be used carefully.

But if i'm honest the very last part of your post seemed the only bit that answered the origianl question.

At first mobile is great,,then novelty wears off, real money I feel is in a salon wich is freelance at same time

I'm not attempting to start a big debate here but often geeks will let each other know if they say something a little off and thats what i've done!

Anyway, its well past my bedtime :green:
WHATS THE PROBLEM?? you ask,, I may not of answered her directly but I was offering help and support from a personal point of view,,,,I am sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear but that is what the OP aske for advice and HELP...

You were rude as hell about it, there wasnt a damn thing said by Tiffany that required you being bitchy to her. Sorry if that isnt what you want to hear.
I was qoueting another post when saying that nailvixen , the poster asked me " what's the problem. For god sake I was not being funny or sarcastic just honest I feel that lately people attack you for not giving oh so nice and gentle replies, when in fact I am not attacking her or being horrible, yes maybe a bit blunt, but please don't accuse me of being "bitchy",,,please feel free to private message me, as I'm done with this thread the op question has been answered. Xx
Is this all necessary really?!

This post is going way off topic getting into what may or may not have been said and in what way its meant and therefore nobody is now being helpful. I think everyone needs to get over it! If the OP is not offended then i am sure she will sort it out via PM with anyone relevant or report it.


I think it most certainly can be a profitable business and very rewarding too. However, if like myself and many other geeks (I am a year into nails) you love all the pretty things, new things etc you may not see any profit for a long while- I spend any income gained on new products/training and pretties faster then it comes in still!
A good thing to get into to begin with will be the new gel polishes- shellac/gelish/geleration (the list is endless!). My shellac was making me profit after the first 2 weeks!
I was qoueting another post when saying that nailvixen , the poster asked me " what's the problem. For god sake I was not being funny or sarcastic just honest I feel that lately people attack you for not giving oh so nice and gentle replies, when in fact I am not attacking her or being horrible, yes maybe a bit blunt, but please don't accuse me of being "bitchy",,,please feel free to private message me, as I'm done with this thread the op question has been answered. Xx

Katie , you have replied to one of my posts before and sounded quite rude, however again no offence taken :hug: I am well aware it takes time, I'm not saying I want to rush in without experience first and expect to be overloaded with clients and money. I just wanted to know... That is all... Katieyou said in your post you're attacked for not giving gentle or nice replies, what's wrong with doing that. Anyway thank you for your advice but it went off topic a little, but I do appreciate it honestly.

Is there anything wrong with wanting to know if I could do well? I am sooo very excited to do the courses and I have saved up, but I have 2 babies to support too and so I'm curious.

Thankyou very much all the other geeks,you've been lovely on this post and it's really Good to hear that something I am passionate and excited about doing can earn Good money too :). Thank you all of you. If icoukd quote you all on the little pieces of you're replies I am grateful for I would but it won't let me for some reason. :cry:

Thank you xxxxxxxx
Quite over it with Katie, no need for pm'ing, you got your point across, I feel I got mine across, and aside all of that nonsense Tiffany I'm glad you got some answers, particularly the pleasant ones. Sorry to all but 1 who I may have offended, it really was unproductive and unhelpful of me.
I am sorry tiffany :( I am a kinda say it like it is kinda person and don't believe in tipytoeing around people so as not to hurt their feelings and this can some times be taken as being harsh or rude etc when in fact I am not being personal just saying it like it is (maybe the wrong way sometimes) .

In all honesty I was trying to point out that no I dint feel it will earn you great money atleast untill you become confident in your technique and have regular client base and this is something which will take you a couple of years to achieve if you are dedicated and honest and prepared to overcome many many challenges not to mention how much money is involved as you need to invest in your products and education in the begining and you maynot get a return as such initially but if you stick at it you will eventually see a return.

I many many times felt/feel like giving up but like yourself am passionate about what I do and my main passion is enhancments even though they do not necessarily make me my biggest profit.

Good luck on your journey wishing you all the help and support,, maybe bit blunt lol but meant with greatest intentions in mind :) xxx
No offence taken! However, I'm not in a bubble! I have wanted to become a nail technician for some time which is why I have saved for the Creative course. In the mean time I want to find out more. I know I'll love the job, I'm a passionate person and I put 100% into everything, however I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to know whether, something I can't wait to start as a career, could possibly earn me good money.

I totally understand it's what you put into it and I think in most professions you need handwork and dedication. I just wanted to know, that's all. Thank you for the advice though.

I have courses set out for the waxing etc, I'm going to do them under an academy I think as day courses :)

Hi Tiffany, Just had a think about this - you said that you were thinking to study your courses individually under an acadamy - just a thought if you are going to do this have a look into the possibility of doing an A & P course seperatly as i think that this will benefit your develeopment much better than the "snippets" of A & P you pic up on the 1,2,3 day courses etc
A&P can be very indepth in places so might be worth looking into - just a thought though you might want to consider
V x
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