Hi there.
I don't know of refresher courses in holistics tbh.
Why dont you go over your old notes from college, and go through the routines?
If you get some little postcards, and bullet point the set routine on them, and keep them with you all the time as a reminder, you could just take a peek at them whilst doing the treatment and no-one would know. they are easy to hide, and you can pop em in your pocket or by the side of you.
Just do a few practice runs on friends / relatives or any willing body,and I am POSIIVE it will all come flooding back to you.
Its really hard to remember set routines when you have not been practising it on a regular basis. :hug:
Or you could book yourself in somewhere and have a few treatments yourself. Sometimes when you see someone else doing what you are trained to do, it comes back to you. Also it helps you to remember how 'it feels' to have a treatment.
And rememer - you are qualified to do this. You are just a bit rusty thats all!! We all are when we are not performing the same things day to day.
Also remember- you know more than the client. If you miss a few moves to begin with , they wont know, as long as you keep it flowing.
Anyway I hope that helps you a little. I wish I could be of more help.
Good luck. xxxxxxx:hug: