Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone, Just as I was getting into chest waxing (had done 4 appointments now on the same client) but he has now cancelled all future appointments as he said it grew back too fast and it was itchy and spots appeared. I got him some tea tree body wash from body shop that did help with the spots and he did exfoliate. He asked me why Ronaldo looked super smooth all the time but on him after a week you could see tiny hairs coming through that were prickly and itchy!!
Does anyone have any advise? I am only training at the moment (have my exams in July) and so havent been charging for the chest waxs or anything but now that he has cancelled I have noone to practice on just as I was starting to gain some confidence in it!! x
Does anyone have any advise? I am only training at the moment (have my exams in July) and so havent been charging for the chest waxs or anything but now that he has cancelled I have noone to practice on just as I was starting to gain some confidence in it!! x