Cluster eyelashes, is the process different to individual?


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Oct 8, 2015
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Wondered if anyone can help me I currently am qualified for Individual eyelashes, And I have a client wanting cluster flare lashes is the process any different to them?

On the net it says apply to the skin?? But with individual I apply to the natural lash using semi permanent glue,

Any Help would be most appreciated..
I would recommend using a normal eyelash glue for clusters. I know some people use semi perm glue and attach to lashes but tbh that's a shocking idea. Your lashes grow at different rates. You're attaching the cluster to a few lashes and then if one is growing faster it will start to pull on the smaller ones which will not only be uncomfortable but can actually pull the small baby lashes out. Leaving bald patches. In my opinion it's just either laziness (not wanting to do individual) or greediness (charging more because it's a semi perm glue and lasts longer).
I just use a normal glue and call them weekend lashes and explain to client that they will last a few days provided they look after them. Some ask if I can use the semi perm glue but I just explain its for the health of their lashes.
I would recommend using a normal eyelash glue for clusters. I know some people use semi perm glue and attach to lashes but tbh that's a shocking idea. Your lashes grow at different rates. You're attaching the cluster to a few lashes and then if one is growing faster it will start to pull on the smaller ones which will not only be uncomfortable but can actually pull the small baby lashes out. Leaving bald patches. In my opinion it's just either laziness (not wanting to do individual) or greediness (charging more because it's a semi perm glue and lasts longer).
I just use a normal glue and call them weekend lashes and explain to client that they will last a few days provided they look after them. Some ask if I can use the semi perm glue but I just explain its for the health of their lashes.
Thanks for your response I did think that as they all will not she'd together, the glue I use is ilash xtra from axb beauty, I've spoke to them who advised that if I do use the glue I would recommend the client to get them removed after 2 weeks... It's the client wanting cluster lashes to be more effective as they don't have very thick lashes to start with,
Thanks for your response I did think that as they all will not she'd together, the glue I use is ilash xtra from axb beauty, I've spoke to them who advised that if I do use the glue I would recommend the client to get them removed after 2 weeks... It's the client wanting cluster lashes to be more effective as they don't have very thick lashes to start with,

And did you explain to the client the risks of doing it this way? Clients want a lot of things they dont understand but its our job to educate and advise them. I personally wouldnt do it but at the end of the day its your business and your decision.
And did you explain to the client the risks of doing it this way? Clients want a lot of things they dont understand but its our job to educate and advise them. I personally wouldnt do it but at the end of the day its your business and your decision.
Yes I have explained to my client and I am not willing to put there own lashes at risk.
I'm going to do Cluster with normal glue but stress they are temporary uppose to individual, thanks for your advice

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