colouring hair on pregnant women?


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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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hi all just wanting your thoughts on colouring hair on women who are pregnant do you do it?
This is a controversial subject....i like it! hehe!

Well studies have shown that the second trimester is the best to all colour as long as it doesnt touch the scalp. Some people have used vegetable dyes or ammonia free colour/toners. Anything to harsh can be absorbed in to the skin or bloodstream, and cause an hormonal imbalance....i think this still need to be proven but as far as it goes, doctors say no to first and last trimester.

Me personally i have turned my clients away from this only because we live in a watchdog era and have seen first hand if anything goes wrong, the fingers are quick to point at no, i advise them to speak to their doctor if they ever wish to proceed. xoxo
yes well i usually wait til someone is after 12 weeks but i turned a client away who was only 6 weeks preggers but i heard througth someone thats she got it coloured at the salon down the road so i was just wondering what the geeks think is it an old wives tale or is it a serious precaution we need to take? xxx
Well considering the reports I have read I don't do it on any pregnant woman as many of the chemicals are dangerous, such as sulfates and ppd.
Rather be safe than sorry.
i thought it was an old wives tale, never been told otherwise
interesting thread as its made me look up a few things ..

NHS says ; its basically safe to colour hair while pregnant as chemicals in semi and perm colours are not highly toxic and give a few guidelines to follow i.e well ventilated room, develop for minimum time , gloves ( for the home colour expert ) ! :irked:.. Also they do say many women choose to avoid the first 12 weeks.. if anyone would like a nosey i'm looking up how to add the link

would always skin test any client .. but defo pregnant ladies .. :eek:
I will do it after 12 weeks and after a skin test, if its on scalp.
I found out I was pregnant due to my hair first off... my full head scalp bleach turned a beautiful shade of yellow, which has never happened before, obviously due to pregnant hormones can do all sorts!
thats great il have a look now xxx
I went to salon for full head tint when i was around 7 months pregnant. The colour didn't take at all!! Thinking about it now the hairdresser didn't do a skin test. Maybe she should have
i would be careful about colouring on the scalp...maybe suggest foils, but also inform them that it may not take the same as usual, may be more intense or not take at all, i remember perming my friends hair back in the 90's, she didnt know she was pregnant and she ended up with an afro!!!

nik x
Sorry ladies if this offends but I've been hairdressing 24 years now and have never ever, nor will I turn away a REGULAR client for her colour! I have had 2 children, and I have always been taught it is the hairdresser that can be affected more than the client, as we breathe in the fumes, apply colours constantly, especially these days 8 out of 10 of my clients have colours. My hair is coloured, I didn't stop because I was pregnant. God it was enough growing rapidly in size, but to be grey as well, no way!
What about the ladies that colour their own hair?
Admitedly I coloured my hair 2 days after giving birth and it didn't take so I did it again, but that is due to hormones changing the make up of hair. I

It's a well known fact not to perm hair in 1st or 3 rd trimester of 3 months after client has given birth but that isn't due to danger to anyone's health, it's purely not to waste clients time or money as 8/10 won't take.

I haven't read the NHS link as I'm only phone and can't open the link. Unfortunately this country is a "sue me society" which scares everyone.

So many women have their hair coloured these days and have been for years, I've never heard of harm coming to any client or unborn child due to colouring.

Sorry to rant, it's just my professional opinion, be it right or wrong.
hi all just wanting your thoughts on colouring hair on women who are pregnant do you do it?
the nhs does say that it is safe. I always get all clients to have a skin test and also sign a disclaimer form as anyone can become allergic to a chemical process even after years of using the same product whether pregnant or not. The only thing i have noticed and experienced including on myself is that colours dont always take properally during or after pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes and i believe can take up to 2 years to get back to normal, i always advise clients of this eventhough in 20 years of hairdressing this has only ever happened to 1 client and myself.
Hope this helps :)
the nhs does say that it is safe. I always get all clients to have a skin test and also sign a disclaimer form as anyone can become allergic to a chemical process even after years of using the same product whether pregnant or not. The only thing i have noticed and experienced including on myself is that colours dont always take properally during or after pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes and i believe can take up to 2 years to get back to normal, i always advise clients of this eventhough in 20 years of hairdressing this has only ever happened to 1 client and myself.
Hope this helps :)

my insurance doesn't cover me if a client signs a disclaimer.if the product recommends a patch test. check with your insurer

Craig Keane
There is no scientific evidence to say it is unsafe to colour when you are pregnant.

The worse that can happen is that the colour doesn't take, as hormone levels are much higher, producing more sebum.

Scientific evidence is supported by your insurers not anecdotal evidence. :)

Disclaimers are not worth the paper they are written on.
AXA insurance doesn't cover me to colour hair on a pregnant client. I'm under the impression that certain chemicals were taken out of hair dye that caused bladder cancer so I ask myself why won't certain insurance companies give it the go ahead with such little evidence now the dangerous stuff has been removed. Last year I nearly got caught out as it wasn't written in my small print if I was covered to colour when pregnant good job I rang the insurance company to check as I wasn't covered. Can you imagine though if this woman had massive biochemical changes due to a change in hormone and had an allergic reaction despite skin testing. My neighbour who's a doctor says hormone and chemicals change everyday changing your immune system all the time when pregnant to protect a pregnant mother and baby. I can only presume that skin testing would be variable when pregnant giving reason why insurance companies are so resistant regarding this subject. I got to say I did colour my hair when I was pregnant but what's right for me may not be right for others
AXA insurance doesn't cover me to colour hair on a pregnant client. I'm under the impression that certain chemicals were taken out of hair dye that caused bladder cancer so I ask myself why won't certain insurance companies give it the go ahead with such little evidence now the dangerous stuff has been removed. Last year I nearly got caught out as it wasn't written in my small print if I was covered to colour when pregnant good job I rang the insurance company to check as I wasn't covered. Can you imagine though if this woman had massive biochemical changes due to a change in hormone and had an allergic reaction despite skin testing. My neighbour who's a doctor says hormone and chemicals change everyday changing your immune system all the time when pregnant to protect a pregnant mother and baby. I can only presume that skin testing would be variable when pregnant giving reason why insurance companies are so resistant regarding this subject. I got to say I did colour my hair when I was pregnant but what's right for me may not be right for others
That is so true everyone is different, I'm insured with Axa will check that out, mind you so is my life, and critical with them, as I told them I'd had sciatica in the past they now won't cover me if I become disabled caused by my back, its madness!! Lots of insurance companies won't cover a pregnant woman passed 34 wks into pregnancy, greatI wasn't covered to drive or work for the last 5 weeks of my preganancies it seems! It is absolute madness it really is. I know all thisis to protect both the consumer and retailer/service provider but really at ther end of the day its another "get out" for big insurance companies. Would be interesting to know what other insurer state.:confused:
That is so true everyone is different, I'm insured with Axa will check that out, mind you so is my life, and critical with them, as I told them I'd had sciatica in the past they now won't cover me if I become disabled caused by my back, its madness!! Lots of insurance companies won't cover a pregnant woman passed 34 wks into pregnancy, greatI wasn't covered to drive or work for the last 5 weeks of my preganancies it seems! It is absolute madness it really is. I know all thisis to protect both the consumer and retailer/service provider but really at ther end of the day its another "get out" for big insurance companies. Would be interesting to know what other insurer state.:confused:

Absolute ludicrous isn't it but there fast enough taking our money
That is so true everyone is different, I'm insured with Axa will check that out, mind you so is my life, and critical with them, as I told them I'd had sciatica in the past they now won't cover me if I become disabled caused by my back, its madness!! Lots of insurance companies won't cover a pregnant woman passed 34 wks into pregnancy, greatI wasn't covered to drive or work for the last 5 weeks of my preganancies it seems! It is absolute madness it really is. I know all thisis to protect both the consumer and retailer/service provider but really at ther end of the day its another "get out" for big insurance companies. Would be interesting to know what other insurer state.:confused:

Doesn't sound like a hairdresser friendly insurance company!
Doesn't sound like a hairdresser friendly insurance company!

Just re read ment to type most car insurance doesn't cover pregnant women to drive past 34 wks. Love this app on my phone but not to good for reading or typing clearly.

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