Well-Known Member
Hi all
I have tried to do a search, but I couldn't quite find the answers to my questions.
Last night I was at burger king (not good for my wedding weight LOL) and I noticed a girl with beautiful dark skin and a slim hand. The nail beds were ok, not as long as I would have wished, but better that anyone I have seen so far. I asked her to be my model, and she agreed.
So now I'm going to compete
Then I just started thinking how do you do the nails? I mean do you do all 10 smiles then the pink? or do you do the whole at once (pink and white) do anyone use reverse method?
I have read almost any other threads on comp nails, and how they look, as well as I have been on the side line in comps a few times (even been a model once) But I just suddenly thought if there were other ways, than what I have seen done most of the time...
I have tried to do a search, but I couldn't quite find the answers to my questions.
Last night I was at burger king (not good for my wedding weight LOL) and I noticed a girl with beautiful dark skin and a slim hand. The nail beds were ok, not as long as I would have wished, but better that anyone I have seen so far. I asked her to be my model, and she agreed.
So now I'm going to compete
Then I just started thinking how do you do the nails? I mean do you do all 10 smiles then the pink? or do you do the whole at once (pink and white) do anyone use reverse method?
I have read almost any other threads on comp nails, and how they look, as well as I have been on the side line in comps a few times (even been a model once) But I just suddenly thought if there were other ways, than what I have seen done most of the time...