! - tanning


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Jul 26, 2009
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Hi there!!!

i was wondering if anybody could help me?!?!?!
im looking to invest in a spray tanning course and ive managed to narrow my choice down to either sienna X, novotan or naturasun.
i cant seem to choose between these three and i dont want to buy the wrong kit as my money is quite tight, could anyone help me on choosing the right system please???
I have no experience of Sienna x or Naturasun, but I know the Nouvatan training is really good, well priced kits as well xx
thanks jen!
do you have many clients using that tan system?? could you pm me the price of the kit and if they do a combined price for a kit and training in one???
you facebook page is good!!! x
Thanks hun :) I'll pm you as prices not allowed on here. But all info is on their website xx

haha, i realised that as soon as i replied to you! :lol:

does it smell ok? as thats one thing people always comment on with fake tans?? i have tested sienna x and that did smell slightly but not too bad x
Hi There!

I've just done my training with Nouvatan and can whole heartedly recommend them!

The tan smell great and the training is fantastic!

I think all spray tans get that development smell, some are just worse than others. I think that Nouvatan is one of the better ones :)
The smell when spraying is lovely though x
thanks for your help girlies!!! xx
im sooooo sorry, thanks anyway!!!!:) xxx
Don't worry, I'm getting used to people who haven't met or spoken to me thinking I'm a girl!

Going into the tanning business as a man has had a few surprised reactions from friends, but to be honest the people who seem to be most supportive are all female! :lol:
I know Dave at Suntana was doing a fab deal on a minimist recently, I know because I bought a new one from him, might be worth a gander.
Hi Jen,I trained with Dawn at Nouvatan and it was brilliant. The solution smells nice too. Give them a shot :)
Hi there I kno you have said you have decided on 3 but have you looked at LA tan. Its used by channel four, won a few awards and most importantly they have great offers on there machines, packages and solution. I had the same problem as you and spent weeks reserching machines and solution and im so happy with my choice. My clients love it and keep coming back for more so it must be good

hope this helps
I believe all of the companies you have mentioned run excellent training courses, but be careful not to tie yourself in to buying their equipment.

What may seem like a great saving ("free training course when you buy our starter package") might not really turn out that way. You may be better off paying their £75 training fee and purchasing your equipment elsewhere.

In the case of solutions especially, it's important to try a few different sample-size bottles until you find the one you really like and will suit your clients best.

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