Council disclosure?


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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2007
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Can a request be made to the council to divulge who has what license? I am on a busy high street and have to pay for huge bins to be collected although I know the 4 hair salons next to me just take their waste home, I know these hair salons have visiting Botox and teeth whitening blood, gloves and lymph and needles etc whereas myself and the tattooist need to pay a contractor to lift sharps boxes and yellow bag waste. I would be interested to see if there is a list...sometimes I feel that all my hard work to get to a busier location just flagged me up as an easy target where others are under the radar. 😩
Can a request be made to the council to divulge who has what license? I am on a busy high street and have to pay for huge bins to be collected although I know the 4 hair salons next to me just take their waste home, I know these hair salons have visiting Botox and teeth whitening blood, gloves and lymph and needles etc whereas myself and the tattooist need to pay a contractor to lift sharps boxes and yellow bag waste. I would be interested to see if there is a list...sometimes I feel that all my hard work to get to a busier location just flagged me up as an easy target where others are under the radar. ��

I think you'll have to phone your council up and ask as they are all different....that just sums it up ..the 4 hair salons next to me! (sorry - for another thread) ha ha be honest think yourself lucky that these people don't put their waste in your bin - now that would make me mad. They probably don't want to pay for the collection so fly tip it on the way home! It is a cheek when you follow the correct procedures. It's no different to my car parking spaces being taken up by clients from the barbers near me..I have a good mind to let their tyres down! ha ha
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No, they wouldn't provide this information as its a breach of confidentiality / data protection.

Also, not sure what it's like where you are but where I am you don't have to contract with the local authority for trade waste removal. You have the option to shop around and get a private contractor (who generally have a more flexible service and are open to negotiation!)

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Though it may well be irksome knowing you are following correct procedures where others aren't I don't think lowering yourself is the way forward.
You may be able to ask the council about who is registered for waste disposal, but what will you do then? Be even more annoyed if they're not listed? If you're really perturbed by it, then put a call in to your council saying you believe these particular businesses are not disposing their waste correctly. It's the councils job to vet and monitor this.
Rise above it, as annoying as it is. As long as you're doing the right thing yourself, that's what matters.
Karma will no doubt bite them in the bum.....without the need for any vengeful behaviour from yourself ;-)
Jojo xx
Not thinking vengeful... Just for more ammo to argue my point when they come to check my certificates...

I've had a hairdresser ask to copy my music license when she got caught, my first aid box and accident book...I've never ever spotted any electrical testing stickers on any of their things let alone fire extinguishers etc. They all have advertising boards blowing about the street damaging cars (generally their own illegally parked) and these are the people also sending the juniors to do day courses on spray tans and nails. One actually sets the tent up next to the back wash and one came running in panicked asking if the plastic bowl she put the acetone in was melting what does it do to nail extensions!

... I would so love to be an inspector but for now I will just have a glass of something alcoholic and wait for karma lol
The botox company who use my salon, take all their rubbish with them. They have their own sharp bins etc...
The company I used before also used to take their stuff with them as well.
The botox company who use my salon, take all their rubbish with them. They have their own sharp bins etc...
The company I used before also used to take their stuff with them as well.

That's my's illegal to transport sharps and clinical waste.
When ever I have had treatments from my hospital where I had to inject myself daily, they gave me a small yellow sharps bin... Also the same for the lady I care for. Once I had finished treatment I had to lock the lid & take it back to the hospital. Maybe that is what the botox drs do. Id imagine it will be quite pricy to dispose of such items, & if visiting salons once a month & especially if they visit more than one salon their disposal (at each salon) wouldn't need emptying very often.

If it is an aesthetics clinic, Id expect there to be the correct waste disposal.

You could report your concerns to the local environmental health department in the council who will investigate.

Many botox people etc have thier own clinical waste and sharps disposal contracts, as said previously, with private licensed companies. However for every collection made a certificate of disposal is issued as proof and an annual licence fee is also paid.

I get annoyed at some people slying sharps boxes back into the NHS for disposal which is immoral and if caught they could be dismissed.

I sometimes wonder about the difference of dirty nappies, sanitary protection put in household domestic waste as it is just as infective. However the law is there and must be adhered to regarding clinical waste.

So yes the answer to your question is you can raise your concerns and they should go and ask for details of thier disposal company and evidence of thier certificates.

I obtain and dispose of my sharps with ALCO, I have 3 x 5litre bins disposed of for approx £80 per annum.

Hope that helps.
Thanks, I've been phoning around today for quotes....I also phoned the council and asked for a visit from the inspector guy...needless to say its him I'm still waiting on lol. The council say I need to change my license, I'm trying to explain I don't want to go to the expense of contracts and workmen changing stuff in the salon until he tells me what I need...but no, apparently I need to pay the fee before he visits and slaps time limits on the work...doing my head in!
I do this all the time if someone really hacks me off I'm a professional moaner. For licences go onto the council website it will be under environmental health or whatever it will give the status of the licence address and granted, not granted, revoked etc. Also if you have a nippy neighbour who rents privately, council website will inform who owns the house so you can write and moan to them about anti social neighbours or the likes as you are wasting you time discussing the issue with a letting agent just cut the middleman out.
Thanks, I've been phoning around today for quotes....I also phoned the council and asked for a visit from the inspector guy...needless to say its him I'm still waiting on lol. The council say I need to change my license, I'm trying to explain I don't want to go to the expense of contracts and workmen changing stuff in the salon until he tells me what I need...but no, apparently I need to pay the fee before he visits and slaps time limits on the work...doing my head in!

Just to add when you get grief of the council, annoy you MSP and local councillor. They will drop you you like a hot potato and make life much easier.

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