Creating MINX tips


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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Im sure its been done before but can you have a set of enhancements with minx used ontop of the tips only? With the l&p ontop of it all?
Girl I had in yesterday asked if I had done it before and I said I personally hadnt but Im sure it can be done.
Would you put the minx onto the tip before putting onto the nail? Then shape it and put the clear l&p on it? How would you get the minx to stick to the nail? I was thinking maybe use the dashing diva adhesive? Iv used that before on minx on pinky toes where theres not alot of nail and its worked fine!

Thanks for all your help!

Karen x
First off if you check the minx group on here you will find plenty of pics where this has been done.
When I have done this I have applied tips to clients nails as usual then applied the minx cut out in the shape of a smile in the normal way using the heat lamp.
Then completed the nails in L&P
Jen xxx
I didnt even think to look there!
Thanks very much for your help!xx
First off if you check the minx group on here you will find plenty of pics where this has been done.
When I have done this I have applied tips to clients nails as usual then applied the minx cut out in the shape of a smile in the normal way using the heat lamp.
Then completed the nails in L&P
Jen xxx
sorry for being a total geek but what is l&p ? lol :lol:

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