Critique/advice please


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Jan 1, 2016
Reaction score
Hello everyone!

I was hoping you could give me some feedback on this gel extension? I'm currently training in gels and this is only my third attempt.

My first two had slight air pockets in the tip wells, which i think i may have figured out how to prevent, but any advice is welcome!

I can appreciate the photo isn't the best, but any advice/critique welcome :)


  • 12506812_10154450147096978_1967239035_n.jpg
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Hello everyone!

I was hoping you could give me some feedback on this gel extension? I'm currently training in gels and this is only my third attempt.

My first two had slight air pockets in the tip wells, which i think i may have figured out how to prevent, but any advice is welcome!

I can appreciate the photo isn't the best, but any advice/critique welcome :)
Smile line is very good but I personally would taper the square in at the sides a bit on the free edge and take the point off the corners slightly, they look like theyd take an eye out Also I can't see properly from the pic but if any touches the cuticles it will probably lift. Remember to leave a slight margin at the base and they will be perfect, they aren't too thick which is nice x
I think they look pretty good but I feel the same as Jazzybeans, they do look slightly.. Only a wee bit pointy [emoji15] but other then that very nice !
But .. Is that the Nail Trainer Hand that comes with 20pcs or another version? I want to buy the name brand one but it is 130$ vs. 45$ for one I found off of eBay that comes with 100 tips.
Thank you so much for you input both of you :)

I see what you mean, I will certainly take the point out of the corners.
There is a small gap between cuticle and product :).
I was worried that perhaps I didn't have them thick enough at the apex... Any tips for building the apex up with gel? I'm sure it will come with practice.

Yes crunchychips, that is the nail trainer! I love it! It came with 100 nails and 100 tips. I got it with my course. It's amazing! Moves just like a real hand and is so easy to practice on. Saves having to find a model and helps build confidence without panicking about the model being bored etc.
Plus it's great for practicing new techniques etc.
Well worth the money I would say.
I was worried that perhaps I didn't have them thick enough at the apex... Any tips for building the apex up with gel? I'm sure it will come with practice.

Can you post a side view photo. I think you're absolutely right, and your stress point is nowhere near big enough. I'd suggest the side walls are too thin too and the FE will snap at the join if put under any pressure.

I'm not sure if it's the light or is there a dip right in the middle at the point where the tip meets the nail?

A wise Geek used to say 'perfect practise makes perfect' and I think the board is poorer for the loss of her input because she was absolutely right. You won't get better through practice unless what you are practising is right in the first place, but you're certainly on the right track, keep up the good work :D

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