Desperate need of help


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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
Penarth, South Wales
ey everyone,

I am in desperate need of some advice.....

I own a salon in South Wales, located on one of the main streets in a very busy town just outside of Cardiff. After a very very busy summer, since September this year we have been so incredibly quite it is verging on dire.
I have tried everything from wedding fayres, flyers, gift bags, client emails, loyalty schemes, promotions, packages, new treatments etc etc and it is just not getting better.
The worst thing is, is that we have a very good rep in the town so it isn't as if no one knows about us!

I even had to resort to letting a therapist go last Friday as i cannot justify the wage, which was probably one of the worst things i've ever had to do, especially as it is just before Christmas.

I am at my wits end as to how to pick the salon back up off the floor because i have literally tried everything. Has any body ever been in this situation before, and how did you survive?

Would really appreciate some feedback xxx
Hay, I'm in the same boat, and from what I've read we are not alone, October and January are always dia for me in my salon.
I don't employ, I rent my beauty rooms and chairs out so at least I'm getting some cash back.
That maybe the way forward for you too instead if paying a wage to employed staff, get advertising for a room/chairs to rent, you never know there just maybe a mobile therapist wanting a base with a client base x
Thank you KHS for the advice, your right maybe that might be something for me to consider. its such a horrendous situation to be in, especially when its your dream to have a successful salon but it just isnt going that way. thanks again xx
I think it's a bigger worry for us salon owners with huge over heads etc, hang on in there, it's November now, people will now start juggling their apps to go inside with their Xmas treatments,
But I would seriously consider renting your room out, it's down to them them not you worrying how you are going to pay them, do you have space on the salon floor for a nail bar?? Maybe get in a self employed nail tech?
Hang in there :) the lull is nearly over :) x
Hi, have you got a data base, Do you direct market to these people ? Do you know EXACTLY who your target audience is ? This will help massively if you know. Do you specialise in one area and promote that you do ? How about social media ? These are all things that had helped my business.
Open evenings are great. What about holding an event where clients can bring a friend and you can do tutorals on how they can style their hair at home between appointments.
We call them bootcamps and they work great. we sell tickets for £5 for a 3 hour evening and usually shift about £300 to £500 in products and tools. Its great this time of year too as clients are looking for christmas ideas so you can show them your christmas stock, and they can learn how to make the most of their party hair.
Really worth considering.
Have you thought about joining forces with local businesses similar to your industry that can referr their clients to you for a little bonus for themselves, and you could reciprocate back to them?
do you have a strong social networking presence? if so , update tips, tricks and hints. people dont just want to see offers and such, they want advice!
What is your client feedback like? Do you do surveys to se how you are doing? You may have a great rep, but you need those clients to referr more people to you. Give them a reason to. Dont discount or offer free services, Just treat the client in your chair like gold and ask if they would consider refeering a friend. If your quiet, you have the extra time to spend with your clients to really make them feel special.
70% of our clients come from Google - both paid advertising and natural results. It doesn't cost a fortune but I'm luck enough to have a background in marketing (used to run an agency specialising in online and am just in the process of setting up another alongside the salon) but it can be hard to do well for most.

Might be worth looking into.
If you were booming in the summer and practically dead now, has anything changed?

If your retention rate has dropped, have you asked for feedback from current clients? Allowing them to provide anonymous feedback can be quite an eye opener. If you have their contact details perhaps you could set up an online survey with chances of a prize or two and see what people really think? They may also give you some good ideas for future promotions.

Your salon may be well known but if current clients are not 100% happy with the service they're getting, they will go elsewhere. It's not just about pricing but the quality of their experience.
Thank you all so much for your advice.

I am definitely going to carry out an online survey to get some client feedback - I think that will be very valuable info for me.

I am also doing a Christmas shopping evening in my town on 13th November so hopefully that will go down well:)

It's a bit of a relief to know that I am not alone in this.

Once again, thanks guys :) xx

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