Different courses and payments.....


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Sep 6, 2010
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i just wondered if any one knows of any courses such as Spray tanning/Bridal make up/nail art or anything in beautyish that lets u pay by installments?

i find it expensive to pay for a course some are like up to 1000 or more.

has any1 found a course that lets you pay monthly ect..

id really appreciate it if any1 replies.

Thanks : )

omg! i would LOVE a service like this! it'd be absolutely fabulous! surely if somebody offered courses like this at 0% they would be fully booked constantly? it's not easy getting hundreds and hundreds together.

it'd be great if companies offered a pay back as you earn kinda thing like you pay adeposit and then train with them and then as you have a new skill you could pay them back in monthly installments when you get work kwim (obviously a cred check would be done so if you are high risk/couldn't afford monthly payments you wouldn't be able to take the course anyway)? i'm guessing it wouldn't work the same as finance companies because they can take the product off you but they can't remove your memory of the skill you had been taught, actually maybe your certificate could remain property of the company so that if you didn't pay they could take the cert. off you/mark it as invalid some how and then they wouldn't be able to get insured? though if everybody could do it then i'm sure the treatments wouldn't be worth much at all as then everybody could offer them? it reminds me of the time when i said to my bf 'i wish they did lahbooties (what he calls 'em *rolls eyes*) on a payment plan like little woods (lmfao can't believe i've just shared that on an open forum haha), then i wouldn't feel so guilty' and he said 'well if everybody could have them they wouldn't be anything special would they?' so i guess the same would apply to beauty professionals?

i really hope some trainers come along and explain why they don't offer it. god i love that about this site!! :D x
thank you for ur reply, wasnt expecting one lol.

yeah i rele hope some1 knows of some kind of course with a payment plan. i doubt it but hopefully x

i rele wish i cud just pull 500 quid out my bum to pay for a spray tan kit and course, but with 2 kids, its just not poss.

maybe ill start saving lol xx
it's def hard to get the money together and then there's all the other bits and bobs on top of the training and equipment like advertising and your stationary stuff and of course insurance :\ i'm sick of trawling the internet and finding local printers to see what they offer and for how much! lol i'm sure i've messaged the same people above once aswell :\ obviously it goes without saying not to just go with the cheapest training school/provider - make sure you research all you can find :D is there no college courses that offer tanning or fast track beauty courses that cover tanning too?

are you already trained in anything? x
Why not put aside money every week/month into an account or piggy bank till you have enough to pay for the course?
Thats what I do!
Why not put aside money every week/month into an account or piggy bank till you have enough to pay for the course?
Thats what I do!

gosh you must be so disciplined!! i hate hate knowing i have money just sat there, i can't help but spend it on nothing in particular lol!! x
yeah i really wish i cud do that, i havent done it b4 (saving) its hard with 2 kids, but i will make a start of it thats for sure.

at the mo im just doing my nvq2 in beauty therapy so im just starting off really, i want to focus mostly on make up and bridal makeup/spray tanning and hair extensions.

i hope to do all of them one day lol.

and at the same time save up and learn to drive lol!!!

blimey one day aye, thanks for ur help tho girlies xxxx:)
talk about a busy bee! lol gosh! good luck with your training! :D x
Thanks for ur replys, and good luck :)
We offer this service on our nvq programmes allowing learners to pay in installments
ooohh very interested

so do u have to be a student on ur courses?

or can any1 do it.

No anyone who books courses in offered this option
My course allows me to do this but i am in dublin,ireland.
The first day we sat down and we went through how much i could pay each month and told if i have more or less one month thats ok just all has to be paid the month before my exams,everyone is paying different amounts at different time,they are one the top beauty schools in ireland so was very surprised they also do gift vouchers so that family and friends can buy to put of your course which i think is a great idea-roll on xmas haha x
that obviously doesnt apply to me then so thats no good!!!!

oh well x
For make-up training check out London Muse - they do instalments. I've not studied there myself but have heard good things x
wow factor did a scheme where you train and rent machines or something, it was a pay monthly scheme to get you started though i cant remeber the details. Collin (the cat) on here owns the company and may be able to help you if they still do it. :hug:
For make-up training check out London Muse - they do instalments. I've not studied there myself but have heard good things x

i checked it out moomin but they want 1200+ for there courses and finance is ok but wil take aggeesss to pay back im better off saving lol...
thanks anyways xxxx
wow factor did a scheme where you train and rent machines or something, it was a pay monthly scheme to get you started though i cant remeber the details. Collin (the cat) on here owns the company and may be able to help you if they still do it. :hug:

cool do you no hes details and how do i find him on here?
thanks for ur reply choc pickle x
Good idea to get family and friends to pay into a savings account for you for Christmas and Birthdays instead of traditional presents, you never know they may be a bit more generous if they know it is going towards your training, call it investing in your future!! lol best of luck
Nicola xx

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