I work p/t in a Sally store. There are two pricing systems in place. Most items are available to both trade and retail customers. The only Items that we can't sell to retail customers are hair perms and ear piercing kits & guns. I personally don't understand this ! We can't sell them a perm, but we can sell them a hair relaxer or a bottle of 60 vol peroxide, which in my mind are just as lethal if you don't know what your doing !
For legal reasons we aren't permitted to give out advice to retail customers on how to use hair colours etc
I prefer only to give out advice on styling products etc. I constantly get asked how to use hair colours, peroxides, bleach or nail tips and acrylics etc. I just say in a nice way leave it to the professionals if your not sure what your doing.
With regard to nail products. I've noticed that retail customers will think they are saving themselves money by purchasing products for nail extensions instead of going to a salon. I don't think they realise the work that goes into applying a set of nails until they get home and have a go !!! Most of them probably end up going back to the salons to have their nails done for them !
I can fully understand why professionals get so annoyed that Sally's sell to the public. I find it especially annoying when people pass their cards about. We've recently started to clamp down on this as it is very unfair. I personally think that retail customers are alot more demanding than our trade customers.
I suppose I should expect my P45 in the post after this message is submitted !!
Sassy xx