Does anyone have an on line appointment book?


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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
bedale, north yorkshire
Just wondered if anyone had this system i saw a company at excel last year. i think i would just be concerned if any info was lost. x
well the lack of responce to this question. kind of answers my question lol. Ive looked on line at a few companies but would rather go with reccomendation. x
Hi buttons
before you give up too soon there are a few companies who offer online booking systems or widgets. I work for a company called icomplete and we offer online booking. Where you can customise it to your website and then it takes information from your diary and customers can see when you are free. It is a great tool and can do wonders for your business.

I hope this helps you

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You would need to make sure that everything was done in accordance with the Data Protection Act too. If a computer system is holding personal details such as client addresses, phone numbers, treatment history, etc, then it's highly likely that the organisation would need to be registered with the Information Commissioner's Office.

Also be sure to get details of back-up procedures so you can be sure that your data would be safe in the case of system failure etc...
Hi Ruth and buttons,
Yes everything we do is in accordance with the data protection act. The data itself is stored in a nuclear bunker which is secure, and safe from water and fire risk. We carry out back up copies very frequently on a number of different servers in a number of different locations so there would never be the worry of system failure or loss of data.

Data to a company is so valuable! And especially customer details which can give you the impression of a professionally run company or not. Make sure you choose a dependable and well run system.
Good luck in your search for a system

Vicki from icomplete
Just wondered if anyone had this system i saw a company at excel last year. i think i would just be concerned if any info was lost. x

Hi as mentioned on another thread I use i-salon and have done so for years, yes they do on line booking and it is kept secure in fact they host the whole thing through a secure network my clients even get a confirmation email when they book :lol: I generally offer only a limited range of services and complicated or ambigious ones they call me to book.they don`t see the book just options like booking a flight . I just used to let my regular clients use it but now I feel confident to vet and then allow newbies. I have seen my business grow my clients love it and it frees up my staffs time :lol: the latest stat is 38% of salon clients wish to book this way so why stop them :green:
You can check out my online appointment book at i developed the website myself. Tell me what you think.
Ms_KMH your website is lovely, I had an online website when I first setup and it was fantastic but that was on a trial basis.
You can check out my online appointment book at i developed the website myself. Tell me what you think.

Cool. How does your online appointment functionality work incidentally? I wanted to try it out but it looks as though it would submit the details via Yahoo and I don't want to book an appointment as I am in England and would probably need to fly to Atlanta and then take a train to get to you...

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