Doing pedicures whilst pregnant?


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Sep 5, 2010
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Ok so I just want your opinions on this
I am currently 6 1/2 months pregnant and was just wondering if any of yous stopped doing pedicures during pregnancy

You see my problem is we soak in a wooden bowl on floor
So I have to get onto the floor to do scrub then dry feet and move client onto bed ( whilst trying to gracefully climb backup myself )

I'm managing ok ish at the min (have only been sick once getting onto the floor)
But on of my regular clients has booked in with me at 34 weeks for a paraffin wax pedicure (week before I go off on maternity)

So my question is

Do you think I'm being unreasonable to ask not to do pedicures as there are 10 other therapist tht can do ?

And when do you think it's right time to stop ?

Oh and if you could give me an idea how long before yous went of on mat leave

I'm really struggling with back pain/heat/causing sickness at the min got physio app soon

Thanks in advance
Hi I worked right up to my due date for birth for my 2 and hope to again but its not always possible do what you feel comfortable doing I would not sit on the floor and do it that's for sure x hth xx
If you are uncomfortable or feel any kind of sickness/pain due to the positioning it is normal to ask for adjustments to be made. Your employer is obliged to make any reasonable changes so that you can carry out your work. Is it possible to change the set up for your pedicures? Can your client lie up on a bed and you work sitting on a stool? If there is no way to arrange this I would ask for this treatment to be passed to another therapist.

My boss at my other job made a right fuss because I couldn't use a particular piece of equipment, not just through discomfort but also because occupational health dept had decided it was not medically safe! We are lucky to have legislation that helps pregnant women in these cases. Try approaching the problem from the angle that you could do it if you change the positioning etc, I don't think anyone would find that unreasonable :)

Regarding mat leave, I stopped my part time job 5weeks before my due date but had clients until the first week of Jan, so 3weeks before for beauty treatments. 41 weeks today and fed up waiting lol!

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