educators and instructors: help me with a student learning issue


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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2009
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kinda long sorry. to all the educators out there : i am back in school to get my license to teach nails: i have 8 years experience and i feel that i am pretty qualified to teach. i have to nail tech students that i am assigned to teach as part of my required curriculum. one is pretty experienced as her mother is a nail tech but my other student is my problem. she is very willing and is attempting to learn but i am having difficulty getting thru to her. so far in my teaching method i am utilizing the workbook that comes with our textbooks, visual diagrams, oral lecture, practical and hands on explaination and am preparing some videos for next week. i have had tons of formal education in my life: 2 vocational degrees and a 2 year college degree so for me learning comes natural. my poor student though only has a 5 th grade education and a general ed certificate. i understand that it is not her fault because she was raised in communist vietnam and only came to america because she married an american soldier. she is very sweet and wants to break the viet salon stereotype. she has potental as a great nail tech but she failed her anatomy test today. i dont know how to help her learn but when it comes to book work she is failing miserably. her practical work she is doing fine. i am going to give her a re test tuesday but i really dont think she will pass it. i walked her thru todays test doing my best not to give her the answers and she still failed it. i have only been teaching 3 weeks and i am learning as these girls learn. but if i fail as a teacher it will reflect in my students. i am open to any and all suggestions because i really want to help her and its my dream to teach.
Is it the language barrier? Some states allow candidates to take the theory exam in their native language. If TN uses PCS for the testing, Viet is an available language.

Milady is coming out with a study guide in Vietnamese, but it's not available until December, here is the link


This community makes up 40% of our (licensed) nail techs in this country, so I'm really happy to see help for them to raise the standards for their businesses.

You're always going to have students from other countries, so you'll get used to your role as an 'ambassador' of sorts. In 3 years since I qualified as a nail instructor, I've had students from Africa, India, ex-USSR and all over Latin America. I really enjoy all of them and learn so much from them as well!

I always try to make sure they understand their worker's rights as well. Often times they are really vunerable when they go out in the work force.
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she actually speaks really good english and is an american citizen: shes been here like thirty years or something: i think she just doesnt know how to learn and retain info: she has a ged but that doesnt replace the experience of being taught like american or uk students are: we go in at age 5 til we are 18: she had to teach herself to read and write: she is very inspiring if i had time so tell you her whole story
She's shown the desire to learn and succeed so thats a fantastic foundation.

I find that someone can tell me the info until we're both bored of it but what I really need is a learning method that helps me retain the information; stuff like rhymes and letter patterns and bullet points.

I think a lot of learning is not in the material itself but in how it is delievered. Hope this helps
she actually speaks really good english and is an american citizen: shes been here like thirty years or something: i think she just doesnt know how to learn and retain info: she has a ged but that doesnt replace the experience of being taught like american or uk students are: we go in at age 5 til we are 18: she had to teach herself to read and write: she is very inspiring if i had time so tell you her whole story
I'm sorry to sound harsh but if she hadn't been there long, I would say get an interpreter in. However, now that I've read that she speaks really good English and has been there for thirty years, I would suggest that maybe she just doesn't know the answers and you can only do what you've done to help her.
So its probably not me then ? i want so bad to be a good instructor. i have been seeking advice on how to teach her for about three weeks now. maybe i could get info on a how to study course at our community college and give her extra credit for attending?
So its probably not me then ? i want so bad to be a good instructor. i have been seeking advice on how to teach her for about three weeks now. maybe i could get info on a how to study course at our community college and give her extra credit for attending?
You sound like an amazing tutor.......and very caring. Maybe SHE should find out about a course to help her and then you could give her extra credit for it. I think you concentrate on what you do best and that is be a brilliant nail educator and not spread yourself too thin. :hug:
There are different ways people learn - and most training is based around only a couple

Visual learners - if they see it they remember (such as drawing little pictures to weld ideas together)

Aural Learners - can sit and listen to information to learn it (usually they need to see the person talking and watch them form the words)

Written learners - when the write it down for themselves the information welds into memory (such as copying information)

Kinetic learners - hands on practial allows the muscle memory to cause the information to stick. This is the most common for people who are non-academic, possibly like your student (you may find making models of a finger (eg paper mache) and sticking on labels for anatomy parts would help)

Global Learners - this is most common, and needs a combination of all the above for information to stick...

Good luck and I hope this helps..
also try word games I have been teaching for 5 years now and I had to teach myself how to teach others and I have learned memorizing words dont always work alot of times I ask more questions and have them look for the answer then elaborate on it so it makes sense in conjuction with other things about the nail or service. I find even if they don't know the word they know what their thinking of and atleast have an idea what they are looking for and it takes time. Also have her draw a pic of say a nail structure and have her label it and do a presentation to you what each thing is for so she sees it, writes it then has to verbally say it. Same with break down the words ony (cophagy) sounds like coffee i bite my nails while i drink my coffee..onykolysis l is for loosening I have a break down for each word. I still change the way i present things find better ways for them to retain all the info.

good luck to you
A good client of mine handed me a beautifully presented price list yesterday from her daughter-in-law. 'wow i didnt know she was getting herself qualified, i know it takes time but well done to her' i replied. my client looked at me and said 'yes it took her a whole day and apparently her qualification is equivalent to city and guilds'! Her price list was for

paraffin wax

All in 1 Day???!!!! and she is now planning on working on the public!!! Apparently she paid ££££'s for the day, but what worries me is, in 8 hours (no doubt there were breaks) how can you possibly learn A&P, contra indications, health and safety etc etc. There cannot be any real assessment . What are your thoughts on this level of training. it seems to me that anyone can now say they are 'qualified'.

My client said that she believes she is now a professional because she paid so much!!!
sorry meant to post this as a new thread, but was reading yours with interest. But your worries and concerns that ensuring your student really does understand and your commitment to ensuring that she reaches the correct level, does actually backup my thread, in that how on earth in just 1 day could you possibly ensure any of these things. I am guessing everyone 'passes' and becomes 'qualified'. Dangerous for our busines..

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