Essential nails


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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2007
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Hi all,

Has anyone out there trained with Essential Nails? If so please get in touch.:)

Is there something specific you want to know about Essential Nails Nicky?
It will help any Essential Nails geeks in their replies.

I have qualified with Essential Nails @ home in Gel Overlays, now doing the maintenance course so I can start working on clients.

I was wondering if this is a good place to start as I have heard alot of nail techs that have qualified with creative etc. would this still be recognized in the nail industry?

many thanks nicky
I have qualified with Essential Nails @ home in Gel Overlays, now doing the maintenance course so I can start working on clients.

I was wondering if this is a good place to start as I have heard alot of nail techs that have qualified with creative etc. would this still be recognized in the nail industry?
There are a lot of companies who offer training, Creative being just one of them...
I know that they don't allow Essential Nails techs conversion courses, this is mainly due to there being no classroom education with the EN course as far as I'm aware (but don't quote me on that).

There are some techs on the site who have trained with EN and run successful businesses, however a lot of them seem to go on for further training with one of the main companies... EN seems to be a popular choice as a first step on the ladder, like a taster for want of a better phrase.

As always, it's horses for courses, what works for one person won't necessarily work for another :wink2:
The only reason I went with EN is because I have a 2 year old and it was better for me to learn at home, do you know of any other companies that do home learn? i.e creative, calgel etc?
Not as far as I'm aware... EN is the main one... there have been a couple of other homelearn courses mentioned on here in the past but the feedback from those who did the courses wasn't fantastic.

If you're happy with EN then stick with them, if you're producing nails that you'd wear and pay for yourself then there's no problem.
I have done EN in gel, acrlic sculpt, maint and airbrushing for samereasons as you. Currently running my busness from home (3weeks now) and not doing bad. Also doing a VTCT in mans and peds as want to do nail extensions at college as feel I need someone to advance my knoledge and skill and have someone looking over my shoulder.
I thought EN were good at the time but now I know a bit more about the industry I have now realised I need more training!! Thats just me though!!!
I have also been told that alot of salons need VTCT orNVQ to want to employ you!!
I feel that I have good knowledg of what I do but there is still so much more out here to learn
I started with EN as this was the only option for me, being in another country not speaking the language, no courses available this was just some of the things that made me turn in this direction........but after passing my courses with them I soon found out that there was so much more that I had to learn that EN could not provide, mainly because of this site, and after learning to speak enough French I enrolled into a beauty school in my area to gain the qualifications and experience that I needed. EN was a good starting point for me but that was only because all other options were closed to me at the time, if I was still living in the UK I would have gone and started my training at college first to get the foundations and then with a good company.

I would say EN is what it is, a starting point.

Good luck.
I know what you are all saying here that EN is a good starting point...but doesn't it work out quite an expensive starting point?

When after paying for all that training you still need to start at Foundation level with a classroom based training company? You all seem to say that you go on and do this eventually.
Does that not mean you are paying twice for the starting level of nail training?
Wouldn't you just be better off starting in the classroom?

I know there are child care and maybe even travel issues but most Courses are only for 3 consecutive days then follow up days weeks later. Would it still not be better to just bite the bullet and do this...rather than pay twice?

I don't want to offend anyone I just have noticed that most EN trained people do eventually end up in classrooms IMO.
I trained with EN and I was very pleased with them.

Since being a part of the salon geek I have learnt alot more, certain things, I found, are missed out in EN courses. For example; use of a cuticle remover.

I still use Dream products and they really work for me but I haven't really tried anything else.

My reasons for doing a home learn course were exactly the same as yours but now, for further education and training, i would definitely go into a classroom as i think i need the 1 2 1 on certain aspects, this is something that you don't have with a home learn course.

Also I feel that working in a classroom would be beneficial to keep up to date with the latest trends so to speak.

Creative would be where i go next!

HTH Teri x:hug:
I trained with EN and I was very pleased with them.

Since being a part of the salon geek I have learnt alot more, certain things, I found, are missed out in EN courses. For example; use of a cuticle remover.

I still use Dream products and they really work for me but I haven't really tried anything else.

My reasons for doing a home learn course were exactly the same as yours but now, for further education and training, i would definitely go into a classroom as i think i need the 1 2 1 on certain aspects, this is something that you don't have with a home learn course.

Also I feel that working in a classroom would be beneficial to keep up to date with the latest trends so to speak.

Creative would be where i go next!

HTH Teri x:hug:

That is my point...from what I have read in other would be required to do the Foundation course with Creative....I daresay in some circumstances depending on your experience they could make an exception....but normally they don't recognise Home Learn Courses for the Creative Conversion.
Therefore you are paying again for a beginners course....wouldn't you be financially better off starting with Creative in the frst place?
That is my point...from what I have read in other would be required to do the Foundation course with Creative....I daresay in some circumstances depending on your experience they could make an exception....but normally they don't recognise Home Learn Courses for the Creative Conversion.
Therefore you are paying again for a beginners course....wouldn't you be financially better off starting with Creative in the frst place?


I have spoken to EN and told them that Creative don't recognise the certificates and they told me that is something that they can deal with. TBH I don't see how!

If i had my time again i would go straight to Creative. It's hard i know because I have spent a hell of alot of money.

HTH Teri x:hug:
I do agree with that it is an expensive way to go just to end up in the classroom, but when I did my EN courses I just did not know about any other company, geeks or anything, I wish I had found this site before I booked with EN and I would just have waited all be it a year....but I did do it this way round and by trial and error I have managed to get there in the end. EN did teach me alot and were very supportive and I am not knocking them just sometimes circumstances takes you down the longer route.

This is why sites like this are great to new commers they can get advice about the pro's and con's from us techs that have done it the direct way or the upsidedown way.

I hope my upsidedown experience has helped Nicky to decide which route she will take.
Like all the other geeks that trained with EN, I found it a very good course and I feel I have enough knowledge to go out there and start working with clients. I honestly feel, with this website, and lot's of practice, I can gain enough experience to teach myself what I want to do, for the time being. I can't afford to do the creative training, so will stick with what I have learnt for now and practice practice practice. Practice, as they say, makes perfect.:lol:
whichever system you choose its all about practice, i quallified with essential nails and have never looked back, i love the products and have tried others but always go back to using dream products
i know there isnt any classroom training but hey were adults and dont need to be supervised as our work was sent off for marking so its not as if we just called them and said yup ive done it
it took me a few months to complete but i prefered that as if i had done a creative course over 4 days which i dont think is enough, and the cost would be more as you need to work on more and more classes to get to a decent level of training ( im not putting creative down i just dont think that was the right way to go for me )i dont think i would be as confident as i am now as i know the work i submitted was fantastic as i was my own worst critic
whichever system you choose its all about practice, i quallified with essential nails and have never looked back, i love the products and have tried others but always go back to using dream products
i know there isnt any classroom training but hey were adults and dont need to be supervised as our work was sent off for marking so its not as if we just called them and said yup ive done it
it took me a few months to complete but i prefered that as if i had done a creative course over 4 days which i dont think is enough, and the cost would be more as you need to work on more and more classes to get to a decent level of training ( im not putting creative down i just dont think that was the right way to go for me )i dont think i would be as confident as i am now as i know the work i submitted was fantastic as i was my own worst critic

Like all the other geeks that trained with EN, I found it a very good course and I feel I have enough knowledge to go out there and start working with clients. I honestly feel, with this website, and lot's of practice, I can gain enough experience to teach myself what I want to do, for the time being. I can't afford to do the creative training, so will stick with what I have learnt for now and practice practice practice. Practice, as they say, makes perfect.:lol:

Actually, practice makes permanent...... If you aren't working efficiently or effectively but carry on using those techniques you will never get any better..... Do you know the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing every time but expecting a different result!

Sometimes we all need a pointer from someone who has been there, done it and qualified to educate as well. This website was never meant to be a substitute for education and it can't be. The tutorials are meant to reinforce your education not take the place of it.

As for Creative's Foundation course not being enough, I have to disagree with you. It is not an intensive 'cram it all in your head' course, it is structured so you get enough time to learn what to do, why you do it and how to do it. You then get to practice the techniques you learn knowing you are working safely. I did the Foundation course and with dedication and practice launched my mobile business 5 months later - I am still in business 2 years down the line and have progressed my education with Creative. I will do my Masters but having it is not a pre-requisite of being a successful Nail Tech.

I have to say from a client's perspective I would be uncomfortable knowing my Tech had not had any hands on training. Imagine if that was your Hairdresser or even your GP??

I'm not putting you down (far from it, I really admire the committment to complete the EN course) but I don't think saying 'practice' is the complete solution.....

i know what you mean hun
but i do still think that practice is the key and most techs on here are creative trained and even they agree that you need alot of practice whoever you train with as most threads are about more practice
i just think that be it a home learn course or classroom course practice is the way
i dont diss creative as its everyone to their own and we all learn at different rates but 4 classes didnt apeal to me i needed to be able to work on my own and at my own pace and i did well and my customers are very happy with the nails i produce for them after 1.5 years
I do agree with that it is an expensive way to go just to end up in the classroom, but when I did my EN courses I just did not know about any other company, geeks or anything, I wish I had found this site before I booked with EN and I would just have waited all be it a year....but I did do it this way round and by trial and error I have managed to get there in the end. EN did teach me alot and were very supportive and I am not knocking them just sometimes circumstances takes you down the longer route.

This is why sites like this are great to new commers they can get advice about the pro's and con's from us techs that have done it the direct way or the upsidedown way.

I hope my upsidedown experience has helped Nicky to decide which route she will take.

GREAT ADVICE. After the maintenance course I will do a foundation course with Creative nail design, Thats if I can get there, pitty they don't do a course in my area.:mad: nearest it 2 hours drive.
thanks nicky
i know what you mean hun
but i do still think that practice is the key and most techs on here are creative trained and even they agree that you need alot of practice whoever you train with as most threads are about more practice
i just think that be it a home learn course or classroom course practice is the way
i dont diss creative as its everyone to their own and we all learn at different rates but 4 classes didnt apeal to me i needed to be able to work on my own and at my own pace and i did well and my customers are very happy with the nails i produce for them after 1.5 years

Good on ya! Sorry if that sounds patronising, I don't mean it that way :hug: . I hope I didn't sound as if I thought I was superior in any way, because I really don't think that..... Seriously I admire your committment because I know if I'd gone to EN I would never have finished it!!

At the end of the day happy customers is what we all want!!

my reasons for going with en were living in Germany and 2 year old plus a hubby who is sometimes away for 9 months of the year it was this way or no way.i wanted to test the water so to speak because until i tried it i didnt know if i could do it, we all know how easy it looks lol . i see it as a means to an end any money i do (eventually) make will be used to do further training when we go back to the UK.that said i have a friend here who went back to train with a reputable company and spent hundreds only to loose confidence after about 6 sets of nails, she has`nt done any in the last 12 months, i was luck as i bought my course tax free and it only amounted to a 12-18 months worth of treatments for my self. i now do my own so i dont think it was an expensive way to start at all. it works for me as i practise alot when hubby's away and have the opportunity of being able to do less and concentrate on the kids when i have to when he goes away. i do think its a very basic course and thank god i was lucky enough to find this site, i now know i have alot more to learn and intend to enjoy doing it. hth

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