Eyelash Emporium service after training


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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2011
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My self and two other therapists at the salon i work in trained with Eyelash Emporium a month ago.
I really enjoyed the training and have to say I found it very good and much better than alot of other training I've heard about.
We were told how to do our case studies and submit them via email to the trainer who would give us feedback straight away and would be on hand for any problems we have.
We all cracked on with our case studies straight away to get them out of the way. At the end of the day, time is money and the girls want to start doing paying clients. I especially needed to get the case studies done as I am now on maternity leave about to have my baby.
It took 3 weeks to receive any feedback on the 4 case studies I submitted. Same with the other girls. I then had only 1 case study to implement her advice so I went ahead and completed my fifth, only to receive no feedback over a week on. I'm desperate to know whether I've passed as I really wanted this out of the way by the time the baby comes.
My boss has been very cross and complained last week and was given a new trainer who suggested I do another case study for her but on emailing her several days ago I have received absolutely nothing back! I really do not want to have to sit hunched over a model for 2 hours again at this stage in my pregnancy when all of my case study's have gone really well with minimal faults.

Has anyone else experienced this with Eyelash Emporium? I'm so disappointed with them. My boss is going to ring again this week.
I too trained with ee. Great company I think. When I sent my photos over I had no response. I called and if I remember right there was a problem with my images being too big (file size) some servers have limited capacity for memory and I think it can effect this. My files were very big cause I used a good camera. So I shrank the file size. Might not be that. Could be that your email s are going straight to the junk folder and they need to check it. Also with all the trade shows on at the moment it does tend to slow things up. Hope you get sorted soon.

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Hi Megan

My name is Wilma Dunn, I am the owner of The Eyelash Emporium.

No one is as frustrated and embarrassed about this I am. As mentioned when we spoke a couple of weeks ago, we are very sorry that you had such a bad experience. We have worked very hard over the past five years to build an excellent reputation for training, one that we're very proud of.

It is our company policy that all case studies are answered within 2 working days and it is ultimately our responsibility to ensure that these targets are met. Clearly, on this occasion we failed to do so.

Since contacting you, this is what we have done to ensure this never happens again:

1) We have removed this new trainer and she no longer represents us (as you can see the venue is no longer listed on our site).
2) We will now be cc'ed in on all new trainer's feedback, so we can:
a) See immediately if there is a delay in responding to nip this in the bud.​
b) We can monitor the quality of feedback given to students to ensure it matches our company's high standards.​

We were in contact with your manager a couple of weeks ago and as mentioned in our previous emails to you, we have compensated the company with products by way of apology.

If there is anything else you feel that we can do, please do not hesitate to contact me.

With warm regards


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