EYELASH EXTENSIONS: How often do you patch test?


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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
Coatbridge, Scotland
I was just wondering how often you would patch test a regular client? The only reason I'm asking is that I know from experience that you can have no allergies 1 minute then become allergic the next? Would it be if anything changed from the last time you applied lashes i.e they started medication or a new 1 etc? Also if you haven't treated a client before and they didn't want a patch test, would you go ahead and do it but get them to sign consent form stating this? Would your insurance company still cover you then if anything went wrong?

Thanks x
I find patch testing an interesting topic when it comes to eyelash extensions. The glue used for this treatment should NEVER, EVER touch the skin. It is not designed for skin application and the manufacturers, well mine at least, always advise not to place the glue on the skin. Therefore patch testing the glue on the skin IMO should never be done, although I am aware of lash companies insisting on doing this.

Allergies are 'buggers' as it really is impossible to advise whether a new client, or existing one, will react to the products, although the technician could have indicators, such as plaster allergies, but it doesn't guarantee the client will react to the glues. Reactions are usually from the fumes the glue generates when it starts to oxidise, ie become sticky, which is an essential component of the product. The client will either be allergic to the Acrylic or the Formaldehyde that ALL eyelash extension glues contain. Common Complaints: Swollen eyelids, itchy and irritable eyes.

My advice would be to offer a free removal if the client does develop an allergy. In all the years I've been doing this I've only ever had to remove 3 sets and I have a few clients who have an allergy but still continue with this treatment as the affects die down, anything from 24 hrs to a couple of days.

Hope that helps.


Trainer and Master Technician in Individual Eyelash Extensions
LASH by Francesca
Francesca is right, the adhesive should never touch the skin, which is why we train to do a patch test by applying a bit of adhesive to the natural lash, same with remover, sealant and primer to make sure that the client doesnt react to anything that is applied to the lash during the treatment.

It is of course right that anybody can develop allergies over time but generally if you have a client that doesnt react to your treatment i wouldnt necessarily start patch testing on an ongoing basis unless there is a specific reason for it.

If you have a new client that refuses to have the patch test done it is up to you but i would still do the treatment if the client has signed the consent form and has been made aware of the treatment, what it involves and that in rare cases it can come to allergic reactions. :hug:
Thanks for the replies ladies. I know what you mean when you say lashes don't touch the skin and wondered why patch? but as you say it could be the fumes from the glue etc as well. If client doesn't want patch i will get them to sign consent to say so. Im just terrified at the beginning that I get sued or something......lol..but at least I have my insurance.

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