Eyelash extensions, who to train with?


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Feb 7, 2014
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emmajd said:
Hi All,
I am planning on training in eyelash extensions and am confused about who to go with.. I thought about Nouveau Lashes first, then Frankie Widdows, Does anyone know much about her? Only problem is she has no spaces until May.. Also The British Beauty Academy as I am tempted by their price but does that mean inferior training? Help! I just dont know who to go with. Any advice greatly appreciated.. : ))
I should have said British Beauty Academy (not THE) They hold training in Heathrow and around the country...
Have a look at flirties.co.uk Hun
Hi Caz,
Thanks for reply, I have looked at Flirties but again its just another website and why would I go with them over the others? Do you have experience with Flirties? If yes what is there training and after Support like? I did notice their website says their lashes were used at LFW so thats a plus.. : )
You have constant support off your flirties trainer, access to a VIP fb page where you also have access to all the other flirties trainers, some of the trainers do one to one training, customer support is brill as well and once you have trained you are not on your own your trainer is always there even after you have qualified to give advise [emoji106][emoji106]
Try gateway workshop. They are incredible. Just done mine there
I wouldn't go near the British beauty academy. The Iash training I did consisted of 3 hours. Out of that 3 hours at least 45 mins of this I was laid on a couch getting lashes applied. Then I was issued a certificate. All they want to see was you applying a few lashes and removing a few lashes, how that makes you qualified is beyond me.
I then retrained with the Eyelash Emporium and they are brilliant. Training and products are great. I have been lashing for 5 years.
I trained with an independent trainer who works closely with eyelash emporium, cannot fault their products at all and the training was great. Had to carry out case studies after the course to get the certificate so they could continue to see your work which I liked!
I had traing with British beauty academy same experience like Pmcnaught0 ,i wasted my money, didn't learn anything.
I trained 1-1 with Frankie and can say that you would not be wasting your money, she was a fab trainer! Go for it!

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