Can I just add I am in a very good position to give advice on any website issues you may have, with 15years experience website design and working very closely with seo specialist I know exactly what is required for getting to the top of google. I also know that free website listings do not reach the top of google.
If you are confident that free websites give you a good starting point with online prescence and doing it yourself instead of dedicated professionals then could I ask you to check out this page. And just write your web address in the address bar.
The W3C Markup Validation Service
This is to see if your code is 100% correct, if it is I take my hat off to you, but i can almost put my life on 90% have at least 10 faults so in other words this means that google may only be able to read half your page and find only half the content you have pain stakingly spent hours thinking of and typing. The rest of the code is like google learning a new language, but the thing is it wont so it goes and says theres an error on your pages, meaning you drop down the pecking order
This is also a good check to see if your website will work in the many different browsers out their, and to see if the site is accessable to handicapped users.
Did you know that you can be taken to court for poor accessability of a website?
It would be interesting to hear the results of the w3 validator test.