Gel Nails - painting on white smile


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New Member
Sep 4, 2009
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Hi All,
Just after some advice. What is the easiest & quickest way to paint on white tips using gel? I am meant to be doing a friend's nails this week and want to get it right, looking nice and neat.

I've looked at the tutorials section but it says something about liquid & powder, whereas I am using NSI White Sculptor Gel. Just want to get the right shape and action really.

If anyone has any pictures of 'how to' then this would be even better.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Were you not shown how to do white gel smiles on your training course?
Not really. I'm only interested in doing my own nails and a few friends so just went on a day's training course and had one-to-one training but she only taught me how to apply Gel using tips (white). She quickly did a demo on the white gel smiles but not to a great extent. I just wondered if there was an easy way to do this or should I just stick to white tips.
I wouldn't say there was an easy way as its always harder when you are starting gets easier with practise and experience.

I would practise on some tips and maybe ask your trainer for some help.

Do a search on here for smile lines and you will find plenty of threads with useful tips.
The clue is in the name of the gel.
It is called white sculpting gel, which means you don't paint it on at all. The product wasn't designed to be painted on.

If you want to paint the white on, then you should use either paint-on white gel or simple white enamel on top of the finished nail.

I don't use NSI, so as to which technique you need in order to use your white sculpting gel, you need to contact your educator.
Every product has it's own way of application which is why training courses with the company is essential.
i use nsi and i dont really use there white sculpting gel.if i sculpt i do it in one colour either clear or pink then i paint my smile lines on after using nsi brush on white,i wouldnt be without it.
p.s i use a dotting tool rather a brush to apply as i find it easier.
p.p.s could you fill out your profile abit more as this will let us geeks know what level your at from your training and what products you use,thanks.xx
Sculpting gel is really thick and not easy to use if you aren't sure what your doing, i use the nsi brush on french white and back brush to get the smile line crisp, i also find that it is easier to do one nail at a time and cure as it tends to run slightly.
flower is right, you can not paint on sculptor gel. nsi does have a white that can be painted on like polish, its called "brush on french white". im assuming you dont have the brush on product or you surely would've said so. with the white sculptor gel you need to use clear tips (not white tips). the gel is very thick and does NOT go on like the clear and pink builder gel that youre probably familiar with working with. NSI has great video tutorials on their website, i highly recommend you watch them before using the sculptors if you've never tried them. you need to gather enough white gel on your brush to form the white free edge, place it on the tip and sort of "swirl" it around with the tip of your brush to warm it up and make it pliable. then rather than "painting" it on, use the tip of your brush to stretch the into place. wipe your brush on a lint free pad and then back brush the smileline to refine it. you can do this to all 10 fingers and then cure for a full 120 seconds. next apply your clear or pink to the nail bed. The difference here is you dont pull the builder gel over the free edge like you did with the white tips, pull the builder up to, but not over, the smile line. cure, wipe, then finish file and apply your top gel to the entire nail, capping the free edge.

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