Gel/Shellac on toes


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BeauTea Rooms

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2011
Reaction score
Has anyone else stopped doing it?
We have choose to stop after hearing & seeing lots of horror stories about fungal infections, bruising, nails coming away during removal, nail beds lifting etc
I believe a good nail varnish application is plenty for toes & as the removal of varnish is far easier its more likely any problems can be spotted much sooner & prevented!
I do it on my toes, and I am a runner so have horrible feet and toenails, but I have actually found that my toe nails have been better with shellac on.
fungal infections, bruising, nails coming away during removal, nail beds lifting etc

The only way any of the above will happen is with bad/improper application & removal.
We've found that it's not just improper application/removal that damage occurs - just a few scenarios we've come across:
When customers leave it on for months to grow off & then cut/hack at their toes causing the gel/shellac to lift then water/dirt gets in
When customers stump their toes causing the gel/shellac to lift or they damage the nail bed & then can't tell until removal what they done
When customers run/do lots of exercise which places extra pressure on toes
When customers wear badly fitting shoes
When customers get stood on by children or on drunken nights out
I know these are all things the customers do not the therapist but as we all know customers aren't in the habit of seeing what they've done to cause the damage & are very quick to blame the therapist & tell their friends about their manky or damaged toes

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