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New Member
Apr 3, 2012
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I am a newly qualified semi permanent make up artist and teeth whitening technician.

I have set up a website and advertising via twitter/facebook/leaflets etc.

I have recently been toying with the idea of doing a Groupon deal for extra exposure.

Has anybody got any feedback about Groupon, is it worth doing a deal/ I have been given different views on this so any info would be appreciated.

Many Thanks xx
Hiya, if you do a quick search on groupon, using the search facility on this site you will find loads of opinions with pros and cons from people who have used them.
Look through previous threads in the biz forum especially.
Good luck! x
Crap customer service, never pay you on time, I would use living social, they pay u up front x
i was going to say go with living social too, they are more upmarket so your more likely to get return custom, groupon are poo! lol:D
I am in the middle of a groupon deal.

The customer service Ive had s far has been really good. I can call both the people who are assigned to my deal when ever with any query.

I have always been paid on time aswell. I use the groupon merchant app on my phone.

Has it been worth it? via groupon, No. I emailed my email list saying about the deal and sold 45 deals direct through my ebsite or in the salon - that was worth it, it put alot of money into my bank account as they paid upfront and £23 for a 1.5 hours appoinment is much better than £9.20!

Lots have upgraded and had extra treatments, one has re-booked, one has booked a private hire party (£140).

I would do it again but only via my email list, not via groupon themselves. We've had people travel an hour for their appontment so not really worth a return visit.

e have loads of lovely lovely people though our door who have tipped aswell.

We've had 1 lot of grumpy people - nothing would have pleased them.

Were having a good experinece so far.

also I dont hink groupon will run deals with people who are home based or mobile - you'd need to check it out if your were either of those x
We have ran a few deals with Groupon 2 for hair and 2 for beauty it is a marketing thing not a money making thing from our first hair deal we still have 10 repeat clients that come every 4-6 weeks and we did the beauty deal when we opened the beauty side giving us loads of advertising and we have had lots of repeat clients from that.

I ran the second of each when we got extra staff to help build them a client base!

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