Hi Everyone,
I am a nail and skin geek, but thought to ask you hair geeks, which in your professional opinion is the best type of hair extention to get?
I have been told that most salons offer asian hair extentions as they are cheaper for them to buy?
I've also heard that european hair is best for quality rather than asian or indian hair? Is this true?
All hair is good hair if it is not too processed and its good if it is all laying in the right direction,
its all just different weights and textures
when any hair is put in the wrong way around its this what causes it to interlock and matt up
sillicone coated hair
is hair that is usually put in the wrong way around and so will matt up when the silicone wears off in a few weeks or so
depending on shampooing and
using hair tools ect
this silicone treated hair is mainly from poorer Asian people collected from their hair brushes and put in a big baskest by the villagers ,
someone comes along and pays a small price for it,
they then sell it to manufacures who chemically treat it
as it would be impossible to put all the hairs in the right direction,
so they use acid chemicals on it to remove the cuticles
and then silicone coat it to stop it matting up
this makes it look good and feel good for a short while
but only until the silicone wears off
then you end up with what I call creeping hair (hair that climbs up itself and looks tatty and sort of loops up when you move your head)
it is best to buy Root to tip correct hair ,
European or Russian hair usually has this quality , so it is well worth paying for it as you can use it for years ,
Do buy it from a reputable person who knows about Extension hair
here is a link that may help