Hi I came back off holiday yesterday and went to get my hair coloured. I had brown/blonde highlights which were bleached in the sun whilst on hols so i decided to go for a darker chestnut colour (semi on ends, perm on roots to cover greys!) with half head light brown highlights. Unfortunately my hair took the red tones too much & i ended up bright bright red with blonde highlights and it looked awful!! The hairdresser said she could put a dark brown on to tone it down so now i have a very dark brown with red tinge all over colour which looks ok but i can only just get away with it as i have blue eyes and a tan. The dye is still all over my scalp whats the best way to get it off besides washing it to high heaven - i actually dont mind the colour too much its very glossy but i also just want to 'tone it down' a bit! any ideas? Thanks for reading!! xx