The Nail Geek said:Got me. I thought I was pretty much offay with damn near all brands out there.
Let us know how you get on if you give it a go.
geeg said:I know Mey Ling and I know her private lable.
All I can say to you is this ... it IS very similar to other private lable stuff because most people private label from the same source.
These products are not cutting edge products, but simply generic L&P. So naturaly they will all be of a similar hue.
thanks for that, i've been training with it and i thought that the pink wasn't anywhere near Creative ultra blush, it just seems so pale. would you recommend sticking with it or chaning to Creative?FunkyNails said:It's a private label from a Dutch Company (Mey Liang Cosmetics). The lady-owner has been in the business quite a while and has got distributeurs in several European countries as wel as in south Africa. I've worked with it once very recently, the l&p applied easily and it's very simular to many other private label brands here in The Netherlands(to my opinion). I found the colored powders not dense enough watery once applied.
geeg said:I'll let you have 3 guesses as to what my answer will be!!
Maybe it is not generally known that Star nails is one of the largest 'private lable suppliers' in the world ... well, now you know it.
glenda said:i want to be able to stand my corner when im told magnetic and creative are the same cross linkage acrylic system. thank you