Help Cheryl Cole Short Hairstyle


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May 22, 2010
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Hi there,

I am hoping some of you hairdressers may be able to help me!!!

I really love Cheryl Coles old shorter curlier/big volume hairstyle, the one without the extensions. I am just wondering how I can try and recreate this at home? I have Mid length thick naturally curly hair.

Would I use bigger barrell hair tongs? If so is there a type that you can recommend?

I tried to naturally scrunch my hair but it tends to go quite frizzy, definately nothing like the Cheryl look!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thanks in advance x
you could try buying some velcro rollers, quite big ones to get the volume and the loose curls. If you were going to use curling tongs you would need the bigger barrelled ones to get the bigger curls, but i would recommend the velcro rollers as they will give you the volume at the roots aswell xx
Thanks Sarah for your advice x
Treat yourself to a blow-dry and I'm sure your stylist will be happy to give you some tips and recommend you some good products :).

I've got a shoulder length layered bob and my hair is very fine so a style like that is ideal for me. Of course, I don't look like Cheryl Cole :p but the hair is lush! Sometimes I just blast my hair dry and straighten it but instead of doing each section poker straight I bend it and it gives it a big smooth wave. I might even put some velcro rollers in, big on the top and smaller in the back, pop a bit of hair spray on and let it set for 5-10 minutes. Works a charm :)
Thanks Vivaglam
No worries :D how have you been getting on with it?
Not tried it yet, its for a night out next weekend, have bought some velcro rollers, my hair is very thick. Do I just spray each section with hairspray and then set on rollers? x
I put a bit of spray on AFTER I've set it. Have a go before the night out just incase you don't like it and you haven't got time to fix it! I've done that before and gone out with crap hair and felt poop all night lol

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